The holidays are one of the greatest and easiest times to tell people the good news. It is a welcome time to give and receive gifts from neighbors and coworkers.

Everyone expects to receive a gift, so give one!

Take Advantage of the Season
Below are some ideas, some easy, non-threatening ways to tell someone the good news about Jesus.

This is a two-step approach. The first is done for Thanksgiving. The second part is done at Christmas.

Just before Thanksgiving, give your neighbors a small loaf of homemade banana bread (or any kind of baked goods). With the bread, attach a note that something like:
This is a time for being thankful. I am thankful for God, America, and good neighbors. Have a great Thanksgiving, your neighbors, XYZ.
You may want to include your address so they know exactly who you are. This giving of bread and a note is a very passive, non-threatening way into the homes of neighbors. Hopefully, this will produce conversation and a relationship.

At Christmas, make up a little bag or basket with the following items: a small red or white candle, a tape (sermon teaching tape or evangelistic tape), a tract (get one from your church), and a nice little note saying something like:
Have a wonderful Christmas. The candle is a reminder that Jesus is the Light of the World. Enjoy this holiday season! Your neighbors, XYZ.
Because you gave your neighbor or coworker something at Thanksgiving that was non-Christian, they know you are a giver and a generally nice person. This sets you up to be stronger, bolder about your faith.

Develop A Good 'Tract' Record
I did this last year to eight of my neighbors and it was a great success. Our relationships have deepened, and they know exactly where I stand.

To my coworkers I gave homemade fudge with a tape and a tract. To my girls' teachers (including librarians, secretaries, gym, music, and art teachers, etc.) we gave gifts and a tape (sermon teaching tape or evangelistic tape).

Again, they were very receptive. It was an easy way to present them with the gospel. Since then, I have built a reputation as a moral, ethical, trustworthy, Christian man.

Since both my neighbors and my coworkers know me as a giving person, I have found favor with them. In turn, the favor of God is what will create and open doors of opportunity to ask them to church, discuss spiritual matters, or offer biblical advice. Ultimately, this sets me up to ask them if they know Jesus.

Use this holiday season to bring your neighbors and coworkers closer to God. Live a lifestyle of evangelism. Remember, evangelism is not an event; it is a thought-process, a way of life.

Copyright © Answer the Call Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.