Despite our ability over the years to contain (or even reduce) the price of our dialup and email services, cfaith's email updates - as well as higher costs associated with dialup usage - means that for the first time since 2002, cfaith needs to institute a rate increase.

The changes will be as follows...

Effective August 1, 2010, cfaith will adjust its email rates as follows:
Rate Group Current Price New Price
5 Email Accounts $7.95 $9.95
10 Email Accounts $12.95 $14.95

Effective August 1, 2010, cfaith will adjust its email rates as follows:
Rate Group Current Price New Price
Dialup with 5 Email Accounts $12.95 $18.95
Dialup with 10 Email Accounts $17.95 $23.95

The above rates reflect the following service allocations:
- Email portion: $2
- Dialup portion: $4
Total rate adjustment per Dialup account: $6 per month

Your account will be billed automatically on or after August 1, 2010 (depending on your next statement date).

Cfaith Website Will Remain Free
Please note that cfaith's content website ( will continue to function as a free ministry website. Our heart is that the faith-building articles, daily devotionals, audio teachings, video sermons, and all of the other online ministry resources will serve as a ministry outreach to you and your family.

We pray that you will visit the cfaith website often and take advantage of the most extensive and unique collection of faith-based content available on the Internet.

Thank You
Thank you for your continued participation in the vision and ministry of cfaith. Your faithful support of this God-ordained cause allows cfaith to change hearts and reach individuals in more than 120 countries every day!