"This is the covenant I will make with them after that time, says the Lord. I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds" (Heb. 10:16 NIV).

What sort of influence is guiding our lives? What makes us tick? We all have maxims that we base our lives upon or words that we live by. Throughout the years, many different things have been said to all of us. They may be sayings or phrases that we learned while growing up or while going to school. But we should also have Scripture that guides us and directs our lives.

Why is it that some people grow up to become strong individuals who conquer life? It might be due to what was instilled in them by their parents. Maybe as children they were always told that they can and will succeed in life.

Well, once a person starts to believe he can be someone and do something in life, then he really can! The problem is that many people have been told the wrong thing - and they began to believe it! So their lives reflect their wrong thinking.

Maybe they were told that they were nothing, that they weren't worth anything, or that they'd never be a success in life. So what did they do? They went and acted out those expectations because that's what was in them.

As the saying goes, What goes in is what comes out! Take a look at a sponge. If you put a sponge in clear water and then squeeze it, clear water comes out. But if you take that same sponge and wipe up a bunch of oil and grease and then squeeze it, dirty-looking junk will come out. Why? Because that's what went into it!

Whatever goes into you is what will come out of you when you're under pressure. If your life is filled with gossip, pornography, drunkenness, drug abuse, anger, pettiness, and negative things that tear down rather than build up, when you start getting "squeezed" by the pressures of life - all that garbage will come out.

But if your life is filled with love, mercy, forgiveness, the Word of God, prayer, songs of praise and worship, and the grace of God, when the pressures of life come and you're squeezed - out will come the love, mercy, grace, and so forth.

So it's important that you build your life upon what the Word of God says. You need to understand that it's the things that are "written" in your mind and heart that control your life.

God has made a covenant with you. If you will study His Word, He will put His laws into your heart (Heb. 10:16). And Jesus said, "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you" (John 15:7 NIV). Well, how are His words going to remain in you unless you put them there in the first place!

The Word of God in your heart and on your mind will carry you through when the pressure inevitably comes. So pay attention to what you're putting on the inside of you spiritually.

You need to understand that what you take in is what you're going to put out! You're either going to put out God's Word: "Thank God, all my needs are met according to His riches in glory," "By His stripes I'm healed," and so on. Or else you're going to say, "Oh, my Lord, why did You let this happen to me?" It just depends on what you've been looking at and who you've been listening to.

It's your choice. You can choose to dwell on the hurtful things that others have done or said until you become a sponge that's "full of nothing." But when the pressures of life come, you'll only hinder yourself and others.

Or you can hide God's words inside your heart until they become a part of your mind as well. Then, when somebody does you wrong, love and forgiveness comes out of you. When someone has made a mistake, grace and mercy comes out of you!

So make a decision today to hide God's Word in your heart and become a sponge that is full of His Word and His power. Then when the pressures of life begin to squeeze you, no matter what anybody else says or does, nothing's going to come out of you except courage, love, faith, and power!

Source: From a Pastor's Heart by Kenneth E. Hagin. Jr.
Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publications