A quality local church music program doesn't just happen; it must be built. And just as the construction of a building doesn't just happen overnight, the same holds true for constructing a music department.

In this and successive articles, we will discuss some of the foundational principles that must be followed for success in the construction process.

Block #1: The Music Ministry Must Be Under Spiritual Authority And Submission To A Local Church Pastor

Music ministry was never meant to stand on its own. It is not listed as one of the five-fold ministry gifts found in Ephesians 4:11 - gifts that are the foundational building blocks of the church. I believe it is found in the gift listed in 1 Corinthians 12:28 as the five-letter word "H-E-L-P-S."

Music is not a ministry in and of itself. It was designed to "help" a ministry. When teamed with and submitted to a ministry gift, such as a pastor, music can have a powerful place in the ministry.

We see this historically in the church. Billy Graham had the great singer, George Beverly Shea, as his partner for many years in his crusades.

A man named Barnabus accompanied the apostle Paul on his travels, and Barnabus was historically known to be a singer.

Remembering The Purpose
Yet musicians can sometimes get into trouble when they don't understand their place and move out of their calling.

Ezekial 28 tells us the story of a gifted musician who had a great job. He was the anointed music minister of heaven. But he began to be dissatisfied with his portion of the "glory."

In his pride and rebellion, he attacked his leader and eventually lost everything including his job and position. His rebellion was so complete, he can never get back what he had.

You've probably figured out we are talking about Lucifer, known now as Satan. Get this, the only church split in heavenly history was caused by the music minister.

If you are a music minister, beware of rebelling against your authority - it sets you up for a fall.

No leader is perfect, but if you'll serve your leader as if you are serving Jesus, Jesus will take care of you.
And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.
(Col. 3:23-24 KJV)
Copyright © Ken Blount Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.