Part of the miraculous transformation of being born again is that we receive the mind of Christ. Why? So we can let it lie dormant? No. So we can use it as God wants us to use it, in accordance with His Word.

"Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? And if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? How much more things that pertain to this life?" (1 Cor. 6:2,3).

God said that you are to judge the things that pertain to this life. How do you do that? You use your experience, your intellect and your reason to weigh, measure, evaluate and make judgments of the things of this life.

If you lack the wisdom to make an evaluation, ask for it, and He will give you as much wisdom as you need to make the right decision (James 1:5). That is one of the ways God speaks to you.

Perhaps you are considering a new job, an opportunity you feel pretty good about in your spirit and which offers nothing contrary to the Word, but that doesn't make the figures work. It's just not going to produce enough income for you and your family.

I would suggest that God is speaking to you through your reasoning ability. It does not make sense to take a job you cannot live on. So unless that good feeling in your spirit is a solid knowing that God wants you in this job, pass. Believe Him for a job that will pay better.

Sometimes we spiritualize things so much that we ignore the good common sense God gave us. We have become too spiritual to pay attention to the gray matter between our ears. But that is why God put it there, and that is one of the ways He will speak to you, through your own natural reason.

When God is speaking to you to do something, it will make good sense from more than one viewpoint for you to do it.

Source: Positioned for Promotion by Mac Hammond.
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers