"Now we are no longer slaves, but God's own sons. And since we are his sons, everything he has belongs to us, for that is the way God planned."
- Galatians 4:7

When Jesus walked this earth, He sure did many wonderful miracles, didn't He? Do you remember the story about how He healed the blind man? And what about when He fed the 5,000 people with a little boy's lunch? Wow.

And do you remember when the devil came to tempt Jesus in the desert? Jesus had gone without food and drink for many days. He was hungry (probably starving)! Satan came to tempt Him with food. Jesus wouldn't take it from him. Satan tried to make Him do other things as well, but Jesus wouldn't do it. He had strength from His heavenly Father to be strong and overcome the attack of the devil.

Did you know that when Jesus won all of these battles, that He won them just like you and I would win them? That's right - just like you and me. I'm a child of God. You're a child of God. And Jesus was the Son of God. That makes us all the same - children of God.

Did you also know that when Jesus was born into this earth that He left all of His special "God power" in heaven? He really did. The Bible says so. Jesus was born just like you and I were when we were born again.

What's the main thing you and Jesus have in common? You are both children of God. So you see, just like Jesus, you can overcome the attacks of Satan. Let me tell you a little story….

The New Kid
Let's pretend that their was a new kid that started going to your school. You didn't know it, but this kid came from a very important and very rich family. His family was the Washington's. They owned all the gas stations and grocery stores in the city where you lived. So you see, they were very rich, very smart, and very important, but you didn't know any of that.

This kid looked and acted like everyone else. He had to go to class, study, and have homework just like you. He had to follow the same rules just like you, too. But he studied hard, so he did well in school. He was well-liked by the teachers and your classmates too. He was kind and had lots of friends.

One day, however, you discover who this new kid really is - the "Washington kid!" You were so surprised. Now you see him a little differently. Now you say that the reason he has done so well is because he came from a rich and smart family. You even say that the reason you don't do as well as him is because "you don't come from that kind of family" and that he is different.

No, don't say that! The reason this kid has done so well is because he made choices just like you did to study hard and to be friendly. He didn't choose the "easy way" to do things, but he chose to do things the right way - not because of the family he came from, but because of the choices that he made.

Jesus made these same choices. He overcame the devil and did good works because He was a child of God - just like you and me. He was not any more special to God than what you are.

You are both children of God. Oh, I'm not saying that it was always easy for Jesus. He got tired. He got angry. He even cried. But yet He still remained strong to win out against sin and Satan. You can win, too!

Live like Jesus. You can do the same miracles that He did. The miracles are the result of you spending time with God and being obedient to the Word of God - just like Jesus did these things. Remember, God looks upon you the same way He looks upon Jesus. You are both His children. Live like it!

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