And Peter remained in Joppa for considerable time with a certain Simon a tanner …. [where he] went up to the roof of the house to pray ….
Acts 9:43, 10:9 Amp

The kind of transformation that changes us into the likeness of Jesus doesn’t take place overnight. It happens over time as we stay pliable in the hand of God. It’s a progressive work that must continue all the days of our lives.

Sometimes we forget that. We reach a certain level in our Christian lives and think we have it made. Because our most glaring defects have been changed and we’ve made some spiritual progress, we quit seeking God the way we once did.

Once when I was reading about the apostle Paul in the book of Acts, it occurred to me how easily Peter could have made that mistake. God changed his life and character so dramatically in the early days of his Christian life, he could have assumed there was no more inward work to be done.

Think about it. Just before Jesus died, Peter denied Him three times. Yet, the Holy Spirit so transformed him during the upper room days of prayer and the first Pentecostal outpouring that he boldly preached the Gospel to thousands. During the early days of the Church, sick people were healed when Peter’s shadow fell on them. In Acts chapter nine, we even see him raising a woman named Dorcas from the dead.

Surely, Peter could have gotten satisfied with himself. He could have climbed down off the potter’s wheel and said, “Well, I’m looking pretty good now. I don’t suppose I need to spend much time seeking God for change anymore.”

But, thank God, he didn’t! Thank God, after he raised Dorcas from the dead, he didn’t go on a preaching circuit telling everybody about the great miracle that had happened in his ministry. Instead, he tarried many days in Joppa praying and spending time with God.

And those days made all the difference.

Scripture Reading: Acts 9:31 – 43

Source: Devotions for the Praying Heart by Lynne Hammond.
Excerpt permission granted by Lynne Hammond Ministries