The purpose of this article is to educate email account holders regarding the harmful and dangerous effects of spam/unsolicited emails and what should be done to protect yourself from them.

Many of our members and email account holders have reported receiving fraudulent and questionable emails from spammers and others who are attempting to capture personal account or credit card information.

Typically, these bogus emails claim that a computer or database update must be completed and that your cfaith account may be deactivated or deleted if you do not respond and provide the information requested within 24-48 hours. Sometimes these emails contain embedded forms seeking your name, address, username, password, country, and even your birth date, etc.

These emails are NOT from cfaith and we advise you to DELETE them!

Therefore, if you receive an email that appears to be from asking you to provide your account username and/or password, DO NOT respond! Again, DO NOT reply or include your personal account information…no matter how legitimate the email may appear.

Please understand--and remember--that cfaith will NEVER ask you to submit personal or account information in an email. The people who send out these types of “Phishing” emails are doing nothing more than attempting to deceive you and capture your personal information.

Unfortunately, those who take the bait put their accounts in jeopardy and leave themselves exposed to the possibility of identify theft.

What Can You Do To Protect Yourself?
There are many ways you can protect yourself from falling victim to spammers. Apart from immediately deleting these deceptive emails, we encourage you to adhere to the following recommendations:
  • Change your account password regularly. Every 30-45 days is adequate.
  • Use strong, unique passwords. For more information on creating strong passwords, click here
  • NEVER send your personal information to another party via electronic mail (i.e., email)
  • Use caution whenever signing up for freeonline newsletters, etc.
  • Report all spam to your email or Internet Service Provider
There are many other proactive steps you can take to guard your email inbox against spam. You can also learn more through Google search results which will provide additional information, tips, and advice on avoiding the pitfalls of spam/phishing emails. As always, educate yourself and take the necessary steps to protect you and your family.

Keep Your Private Information--Private!
At no time will cfaith ask for your username or password via email. In accordance with the cfaith Privacy Policy, cfaith has a strict policy to protect your right to privacy. In addition, at no time will your personal information be sold, borrowed, traded, or rented to any other third party - ever.

Remember, if you ever receive an email asking for personal account information from what appears to be a reputable company, simply delete it. If you have any other questions about spam or phishing emails, please don’t hesitate to contact our technical support personnel (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), visit the cfaith Service and Support home page, or call us at (800) 748-8107.

Thank you,
