Iran, Desperate for God

by Kent Otey | Uncategorized

Even in the most spiritually dark places, the Spirit is moving in the hearts of the people to draw them to Jesus! In fact, what I’ve personally witnessed throughout the world is the more oppressive the natural circumstances, the stronger the move of the Spirit.

Recently, someone gave me a book to read entitled Iran, Desperate for God. As I began to read the book, I was overcome with memories of my first trip to Iran in December 2004.

It was an extremely challenging trip just in preparing to take a mission team there, but the experience of sharing salvation through Jesus Christ with the people in one of the most oppressive terrorist nations on earth is beyond description.

Despite the spiritual darkness that blankets this nation, her people possess an intense spiritual hunger for God. The Islamic regime that has shackled the people with fear is crumbling in the midst of an outpouring of God’s love and power. Such is the case in many Muslim nations throughout the world.

I think of what scripture tells us:

No one is able to come to Me unless the Father that sent Me attracts and draws him and gives him the desire to come to me…
(John 6:44 AMP)

Even in the most spiritually dark places, the Spirit is moving in the hearts of the people to draw them to Jesus! In fact, what I’ve personally witnessed throughout the world is the more oppressive the natural circumstances, the stronger the move of the Spirit. What a powerful truth to know the hearts of the people have been prepared to receive, which makes it much easier for us, as the body of Christ, to minister the Gospel to them!

Since mankind is made in His image, mankind indeed has the capacity to know God, through a deeply personal and intimate relationship. The knowledge of God is the knowledge of love, His unconditional love. Therefore, every man, woman, and child, regardless of race, nationality,or natural circumstance, has the God-given capacity to “experience” God. Remember the apostle Paul’s prayer for the church at Ephesus.

[That you may come] to know [practically, through experience for yourselves] the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge [without experience]; that you may be filled [through all your being] unto all the fullness of God [may have the richest measure of the divine Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself].
(Eph. 3:19 AMP)

In Luke 11:2, we read, “Our Father, which art in heaven” implies mankind has the ability to have a personal relationship with Father God. He’s not a principle to embrace, or a religious figure to direct our empty worship, but rather a loving Father who loves us unconditionally and receives us into His presence.

It should be obvious to every believer; God has not only given mankind the capacity to know Him experientially, but has deposited in mankind the desire to come to Him through Jesus. The body of Christ needs a revelation of this truth, because one of the primary reasons believers do not share their faith, is the fear they will be rejected by the unbeliever!

This fear of rejection has undermined outreaches of the church and prevented countless numbers of unbelievers from receiving Christ, even though their hearts have already been prepared by God Himself to receive! Though I believe He will work through us to reach the lost and dying, He will oftentimes accomplish His plan and purpose in a sovereign way.

We are living in a time that demands a higher degree of yieldedness and sensitivity to the Spirit than ever before. The move of the Spirit is like the wind. It can’t be predicted and planned to suit our religious programming.

As I look ahead, it is with great excitement and expectancy, but also with great humility, as I hear testimonies and see firsthand, the Spirit of God moving in such awesome ways. Prayerfully consider your part; what is it the Lord desires to accomplish through you? Let’s resolve together to step out in faith, and allow Him to work through us. You just may be the answer to someone’s prayer!


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Since Living Word's earliest years, Kent Otey served Living Word in many capacities. In 1983, he joined the staff of Living Word full-time and served in various capacities which included evangelism, singles, counseling, and pastoral care. Kent was licensed and then ordained by Living Word in 1985. In 1996, he became director of Living Word's Missions Outreach.

Led by Kent, LWCC Missions teams travel to other nations and preach and teach the Gospel in hospitals, schools, orphanages, prisons, on the streets, in conferences, and crusades. Since 1996, over 150,000 people in 50 nations have received Christ as a result.

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