Everybody has something that makes them tick. For some people it is sports or video games.
For other people it is making money.
Many people are into collecting things such as baseball cards, comic books or antiques.
What is it that makes God tick? What does God the Father live for?
You. What makes God tick is you.
God, the creator of the universe, is looking for a close encounter with you.
God the Father is the all powerful God.
He is the creator of the universe.
The streets in Heaven are paved with gold.
God has everything anyone could ever want – except for one thing people!
Jesus said, “The son of man is come to seek and to save that which is lost.”
The heart that God has for a relationship with His children is what compelled Him to create the universe.
It is also why Jesus came to earth.
It was what motivated His three years of ministry to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
It was the heart of His ministry training with His disciples as He commanded them, “To follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.”
It was also the reason Jesus died on the cross (Christ died for all the ungodly) and rose again from the dead, and it is the primary thrust of Christianity today.
What is God looking for? He is looking for lost people because He wants to draw close to them.
This is an important lesson to teach our children. They need to know that Father God is looking for that person that is standing outside the 7-ll smoking a cigarette. We need to teach our kids to have a heart for the un-churched.
Christianity is not an exclusive club.
We should be a welcoming group of people.
But, unfortunately many times I think we (Christians) have been just the opposite.
Times have changed and I have written about what some of those changes have been in children’s ministry.
But one thing that has not changed is God’s heart toward those who don’t attend your church, or my church.
Our children need to know that no matter what a person wears, what color their skin is, where they live or who their parents are – it does not matter.
Father God wants a relationship with as many people as He can.
There is a reality show on A&E TV called, “Hoarders” and it deals with people who keep everything – they are packrats – and they are fixated with stuff.
Father God does not care about stuff – cars, clothes, or houses – He cares about people.
And because maybe one of your neighbors or the guy who works at the gas station does not have a relationship with Him – He won’t stop.
He is a Relationship Hoarder. His goal and purpose is to-not-leave-one. He wants everyone with Him.
What are ways that you convey this message with your kids at church? At home?
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Pastor and Leadership Coach, Mark Harper has 35 years of experience in the local church. He is the creator of the Super Church 2.0 Curriculum, which is used in over 5,000 churches worldwide. The focus of Mark's ministry is helping leaders build strong churches and helping parents build strong families. Not only has Mark served in the local church as pastor, associate pastor, and family ministry pastor but he is also a certified coach with the John Maxwell Team. He also recently released the Amazon Best Selling book The Red Book: The Lifeblood of Children's Ministry.