Is Sickness for Your ‘Greater Good’?

by Jerry Baysinger | Uncategorized

I recently received a letter from a lady wanting biblical information concerning healing, for she had been told that some people die or remain sick “for their greater good.” And she didn’t agree with that.

Neither does the Holy Bible. You see people sick all around you. Doctor’s offices are full of sick people every day, trying to get well. Many, many Christians go to doctors, but don’t believe it’s God’s will to heal them. Thank God, He really does want people healed.

The only problem is, so many people are convinced that God wants them sick. God will not take away your freedom of choice. God will neither save you nor heal you against your will. Otherwise, salvation would be much simpler.

We know Jesus died on the cross to pay the debt for our sins. So, if God desired, He could just make our decision for us and declare we are saved, regardless of whether we wanted to be saved or not.

And it’s His right to do so, but He is not willing to take away our freedom of choice, even if it means us going to hell for all eternity for our choice of denying Jesus. Salvation is available for all who ask for it in faith. Healing is available for all who believe it is for them. But just because it is available doesn’t mean you will ever have it.

Salvation is bought and paid for by the sacrifice of Jesus. He saved us some 2,000 years ago. We weren’t even born yet. So you must say, He “paid in advance” for us. To receive that salvation, we must also “pay in advance” with our faith.

To say it much simpler, man says, “I’ll believe it when I see it.” And God says, “You’ll see it when you believe it.” Notice the difference? People want to be saved first, and then believe, and it just doesn’t work like that. Nor does it work that way with healing. It’s believe first, receive your healing; it’s not, receive your healing, then believe.

So many miss out on their healing for one of these two reasons; first, they’ve been taught it is not always God’s will to heal, and secondly, they fail to believe. If you don’t have faith to believe, then you can always cover up your unbelief with the excuse “it wasn’t God’s will to heal me.” But that doesn’t fly with God.

Every time someone came to Jesus for healing, they got healed. You cannot show me even one time that Jesus refused to heal someone. The closest He ever came to refusing to heal anyone was when the Samaritan woman came to Jesus, asking Him to heal her daughter. (You can read about it in Matthew 15-22-28.)

Two things happened here; one, she came and worshipped Him, calling Him Lord. That instantly made her “family.” Jesus never refuses ANYONE who calls Him Lord, no matter how bad they are or where they came from. Number two, she came in faith, believing. God will move heaven and earth to meet the need of one who truly calls Him Lord, and believes, and not once in a while, but every time.

A few years ago I prayed for a lady with liver cancer and told her to thank God for her healing several times a day, confessing with her mouth “by the stripes of Jesus I am healed.” She called me back in a couple days saying it was too hard. She died not long afterward, but she could have lived.

The devil lied to her, and she bought the lie. Jesus wanted her healed, but she wouldn’t have any part of it. I prayed with another lady with liver cancer a couple years ago. A few weeks later, I learned she too, had grown worse, but she wanted to live. My wife and I went back to her, and had another teaching session with her for about three or four hours, to put even more of the Word of God into her, as she didn’t have time to waste trying to find it on her own.

Shortly after that, we heard from her again, this time, she was healed, and the Lord gloriously did it! She got the Word of God in her, developed her faith, and stood solidly on it, refusing to be moved. Even her husband got saved in the process! Is it always God’s will to heal? Yes, without a doubt. Jesus proved that. But He respects our wishes. He will not make us believe if we don’t want to.

Psalm 103:2-3 says, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits; who forgiveth all thine iniquities, who healeth all thy diseases.”

I choose to believe. How about you?

Copyright © Life Healing Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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