It All Starts Now

by Saki Milton | Uncategorized

As we grow in Christ, we should desire the change in us that He wants to see. God’s desires are plainly stated in His word.

Do you believe that any given point in time can be a starting moment? It literally could be tomorrow, next Monday, five minutes from now, or even 5 o’clock today. A starting moment can be any time we choose to make a specific change that we desire. Often times when we say “I’ll start now,” what we’re really saying is “I’ll do it when I get around to it.” In addition to that, we tend to focus on starting things that are outwardly visible. For instance, “I’m going to start working out, I’m going to start making a weekly budget, or I’m going to stop smoking.”

This is easy because we know that once we start and finish, it will be over at a set time. There’s nothing wrong here, but what about those things that aren’t so outwardly visible. You might be thinking, “Like what?” I’m glad you asked.

Many times, we focus on changing things that we can see. It’s only natural. However, as we grow in Christ, we should desire the change in us that He wants to see. God’s desires are plainly stated in His word; it’s no mystery. You’ve probably heard of some: be forgiving, remove bitterness, stop complaining, be generous, don’t lie, pray in the spirit, make wise choices, use good judgment, live in abundance, live in purity, and so forth.

We only learn these principles and how important they are to God by spending time with Him and reading His word. Also know that God’s desires for us are more pressing at different stages in our lives, so we must be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Nonetheless, they are always there.

The task of desiring what God wants is so difficult because we can’t set a start or end date to what God wants. Not only that, it requires work that most Christians are too lazy to do. (I know because I was one of them.) In fact, these goals are purely based on humility, submission, faith, obedience, and commitment. Though intangible, we can start now to change our desires to be those God has for us.

Starting now is easy, and it looks like this. You must possess:

  • The desire to make a change (In your heart, what do you feel like God wants you to focus on right now? Forgiveness? Financial stewardship? Apologizing? Bitterness? Laziness? Idolatry? Pride?)
  • The belief that the desired change can be accomplished (What past testimonies and Biblical examples can you use to prove that change is possible?)
  • The action to physically and mentally do what is necessary to make the change (What scriptures can you recite to validate God’s will in a particular area? What changes do you need to make in your prayer life?)

Now that you’ve read this, know that God wants you to accomplish every single goal you may have set for yourself. Remember Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give you the desires of your heart.”

So, if you want to start a new business, he gave you the desire to start one in the first place. Just don’t get so caught up on making outwardly changes that you forget God’s ultimate desire is for you to be like Him. Above all things, we should desire inward change to reflect the character of Jesus Christ.

Be proactive! Your healing, your deliverance, your peace, your joy, and your victory all start now!

Copyright Saki Milton
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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Saki Milton is known for her visually creative and energetic presentations for young audiences. Saki is skilled at speaking on a range of topics such as student leadership, the Christian walk, overcoming life challenges, career, and academics.

Saki has an undying passion to help America's youth achieve their fullest potential through practical spiritual growth, educational attainment, and leadership development. She has devoted her life for the past 15 years to developing young leaders in her community.

Saki is a gifted storyteller whose words of real-life testimonies pierce the hearts of young Christian audiences. In March 2011, Saki gave her first sermon for The FIRE House Youth Ministry of The Potter’s House Church of Dallas.

In 2003, Saki rededicated her life to Christ after straying from God while in high school and college. Not only is Saki a devoted Jesus freak, she is also a professional and role model to today’s teens. Saki has held various professional roles in the field of education as a teacher, tutor, consultant, and entrepreneur. Saki became a first generation graduate when she earned her Bachelors of Arts in mathematics from The University of Texas at Austin. She didn’t stop there. She went on to graduate from the top ranked Southern Methodist University Cox Graduate School of Business with a Masters of Business Administration in marketing.

In 2010, her love of mathematics led her to create The GEMS Camp. The camp has served more than 70 middle school Dallas inner-city girls and was awarded as a mini-grant award recipient for July 2010 by the National Girls Collaborative Project.

Saki now resides in Charlotte, NC where she is an active member of Elevation Church. Since joining Elevation, she volunteers in the production ministry. Her mission is to help others practically change their lives through an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.

In her spare time, she writes inspiring words about everyday life on her blog, Cupasaki.

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