“For Christ did not enter a holy place made with hands, a mere copy of the true one, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us.”
When Jesus finished all His work on Earth to save us from our sins, He went into the throne room of God and presented His blood for our redemption. When God received the blood, He declared all mankind free.
It was our Emancipation Proclamation. The guilty were pardoned, the alienated were restored, and the broken were healed. Why? How? Jesus did everything perfectly. He got it all exactly right.
The Message Bible says: “For Christ didn’t enter the earthly version of the Holy Place; he entered the Place Itself, and offered himself to God as the sacrifice for our sins.”
Too many people think that in order to walk in right relationship to God they need to do everything right. That’s not possible for us and that’s not necessary for us. What we have to do is to walk with Jesus, the One who got it right, and be in union with Him.
Jesus appeared before the Father on our behalf and was totally welcomed in. Now we are welcome there too, if we come in with Him. Jesus is there for us now.
Jesus went into the holy place for me. I hold tight to Jesus and He holds tight to me.
- Reading Plan A: 1 Peter 5
- Reading Plan B: John 20
- Reading Plan C: Ezekiel 40; 1 Peter 5
by Tim Davidson
Excerpt permission granted by
Word of Faith Church & Outreach Center
Called to the Body of Christ as a pastor and teacher, Tim Davidson pioneered Word of Faith Church in Bismarck in 1980. He served as its Lead Pastor for 35 years and now serves as Founding Pastor. Pastor Tim has pioneered 6 churches in North Dakota and now serves as Regional Director for Rhema Ministerial Association International. Teaching believers foundational truths from God's Word is his passion.
He has authored 3 yearly devotion books that are used both here and overseas to help believers become "rooted and grounded" in their faith.
God is now calling Pastor Tim to share the treasury of wisdom and knowledge God has given to him with other pastors and churches.