And [Jonathan’s] armourbearer said unto him, Do all that is in thine heart: turn thee; behold, I am with thee according to thy heart.
In 1 Samuel 14:1–23 there is another account of a relationship between a young man and his armorbearer. Jonathan ordered his armorbearer to accompany him over to the garrison of the Philistines against whom he and the other Israelites were warring. He wanted to go over single-handed. Jonathan had not told his father, Saul, of his intentions. Though the king knew nothing about the plan, and though he and his master were only two against an entire army, Jonathan’s armorbearer obeyed.
In verse 6, Jonathan says, “Come, and let us go over unto the garrison of these uncircumcised: it may be that the Lord will work for us: for there is no restraint to the Lord to save by many or by few.” It was then that the young and fearless armorbearer spoke the words in our text: “Do all that is in thine heart: turn thee; behold, I am with thee according to thy heart.”
As the two young men climbed up toward the enemy’s camp, God confirmed to them that He had, in fact, delivered the enemy into their hand. Jonathan turned to his companion and said, “Come up after me” (v. 12).
When they reached the place where the enemy was standing, “they fell before Jonathan; and his armourbearer slew after him” (v. 13). God saved the whole nation of Israel that day through the brave actions of Jonathan and his faithful, obedient armorbearer.
It is curious to note that in verse 6 Jonathan said, “It may be that the Lord will work for us.” Although Jonathan was not certain about what would happen, his armorbearer was more than willing to follow. Verse 7, our text verse, reveals his answer and the proper attitude of any armorbearer: “Do all that is in thine heart: turn thee; behold, I am with thee according to thy heart.”
As they approached the enemy, Jonathan’s armorbearer knew his place—to come after Jonathan. In verse 13, we see that it was the anointing upon Jonathan—the anointing of a leader—that caused the enemy to fall. The young armorbearer was diligent to follow along after his officer, destroying the enemy who had been knocked to the ground by God’s anointing upon his leader: “and his armourbearer slew after him” (v. 13).
This is a classic example of the humility and diligence of a biblical armorbearer. He is one who wins victories and slays enemies while his leader gets the glory. He is the one who trusts his officer, one who takes his place behind the man he serves, not striving to get out in front.
Some things you can do to stay strong in the Lord include:
- Staying full of God’s Word (Prov. 4:20-22);
- Does your heart mirror the disposition and sentiment of the heart of Jonathan’s armorbearer?
“Do all that is in your mind; I am with you in whatever you think [best]” AMP.
“Do all that you have in mind….Go ahead; I am with you heart and soul” NIV.
“Whatever you want to do, I am with you” GNB.
“Fine!…Do as you think best; I’m with you heart and soul, whatever you decide” TLB. - Do you know your place as Jonathan’s armorbearer did? Are you willing to serve behind your leader, to allow him to be the one out front, the one who gets the credit?
Father God, I consider it a privilege to serve behind my leader because it is the place You’ve call me to be. Like Jonathan’s armorbearer, I want to be fully supportive of my leader, to encourage him to do all that is in his heart. I pray that his heart would be filled only with what You put there and not merely human ideas. Thank You that he knows Your voice and the voice of a stranger he will not follow. Thank You also for working in him to will and to do of Your good pleasure. Amen.
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers
Terry has served as senior associate minister of a thriving congregation for over 23 years with over 40 years of experience in local church ministry. He is currently the senior pastor of Impact Church in Sherwood, Arkansas. Terry has authored four books. On the bestselling list, these books have motivated thousands of Christians to stand with their leaders in faithful service, helping them to fulfill God's purpose for their lives.
Terry is the Founder and President of Focus on the Harvest, Inc. He's traveled extensively, awakening believers to this strategic generation. Through his God-given passion, believers are ignited to discover their gifts and callings, commit to the vision of their local church, and focus on the harvest of souls throughout their city, state, nation, and world.
Terry holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Southwestern University, where he met his wife, Kim. They've been married for over 40 years and have three children; McCall, Alex, and McKenna.
In May 2008, Terry and Kim began Impact Church, a dynamic and growing, multicultural body of believers in Sherwood, AR. We believe that Christianity is not a religion; it's a relationship. God loves each person individually. He desires everyone to know him personally.