Just Do It—Obey God’s Word!

by Deborah Butler | Uncategorized

If we want to be what God wants us to be, and we want to have what God wants us to have, we have to do the things that the Word tells us to do. We have to live by the Word of God—not by the words of our friends, our fellow employees, or our neighbors—we have to live by God’s Word.

It’s not good enough just to hear the Word. That’s just the beginning. We also have to be doers of the Word. When we get a word from God, we are supposed to go and “do.” We’re not supposed to think about it. We’re not supposed to debate it. We’re supposed to know the voice of God, so we don’t have to debate whether it was God. We should already know God’s voice.

If you belong to Him, you should know His voice. If you know God’s voice, nobody can fool you. You cannot be fooled if you know His voice.

So when we receive the word from God, we are supposed to go and do. First, you need to realize that you have the ability to do it. So get up and start moving and do what God told you to do. Don’t sit there looking around to see if anybody else is going to do it. You don’t have to answer to God for anybody else. You have to answer to God for you, and for what you do.

See, a lot of times God speaks to us and tells us to do things, but we haven’t built anything up in our spirit. That’s why we have difficulties obeying the voice of God, because we don’t have enough Word to carry us through concerning that area.

So we need to keep all of God’s commandments. We have to seek His commandments. Don’t wait until He moves you in a certain area to get the word on it. Get on the Word now while you have a chance.

It’s time for us to stop sitting around and waiting for somebody else. Get up and do what God told you to do. If we all did our part, it would be done. If we all obey the voice of God, every single person in the body of Christ, all the joints supplying their part, then we’ll get the job done.

The gospel still needs to be preached, and we are the ones to preach it. We are in preparation time. We are preparing to win the harvest. And your reward in heaven is dependent on how you prepare, because if you’re not prepared, you’re not going to be able to win who you’re supposed to win when it’s time.

This is preparation time. Get up, go and do what God is telling you to do. Stop questioning.

Listen, if God told you to do it, you don’t have to question whether or not you can do it. We don’t serve a stupid God. He is not going to tell you to do something you can’t do. Go and do what’s necessary. That’s all there is to it.

It doesn’t matter who’s going to like it or who’s not going to like it. You’re going to have those anyway. For everything that you do in life, there will be people that don’t like it and there are people that do like it. So what are we going to do? Are we going to please God or are we going to please people that do nothing to help anyone, but also say, “I don’t like it.”

We have to do what God told us to do. Let’s turn to Joshua, chapter one:

Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I sware unto their fathers to give them.
(Josh. 1:6)

Now, to me that says that there will be circumstances that will make you want to be weak. We already know that, right? He’s telling us to be strong and to have good courage. Don’t be a chicken. You’re going to need courage to do what God told you to do. You need to be strong.

Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper withersoever thou goest.
(Josh. 1:7)

You can’t be a weakling and think that you’re going to get anything from God. So you need to get in the Word and build up your spiritual muscles, develop your muscles of faith, get strong. Don’t have a yellow streak going down your back. Get some courage going because that’s what you need to get out there and obey God’s Word!

Keith Butler Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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Pastor Deborah L. Butler is the first lady Word of Faith International Christian Centre located in Southfield, Michigan where she serves in ministry with her husband, Bishop Keith A. Butler.

Pastor Deborah is a licensed and ordained minister of the Gospel. Her encouraging, yet down-to-earth teaching imparts wisdom from the Word of God into all that hear her speak. One of Pastor Butler’s many duties is serving as the Director of the Women of Virtue Ministry. Pastor Deborah is often called to travel to other ministries to teach and admonish women to walk in the wisdom of God, and to experience peace in every area of their lives.

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