Made Righteous

by Tim Davidson | A Verse A Day

“For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.”

(2 Cor. 5:21)

To be made righteous means to be justified. Justified means to be made just as if we had never sinned in the first place. Jesus had to take our sins and our sinful nature to the cross and eliminate them in order for God to be able to accept us and make us right with Him.

The Message Bible says: “How? You say. In Christ God put the wrong on him who never did anything wrong, so we could be put right with God.”

We may not understand how God did this. But we can see that in the same way God made Jesus to be our sin, He now has made us to be the righteousness of God in Him. Jesus made us acceptable to God. We didn’t do it. God did it.

It was His idea from the beginning. The ups and downs of our daily living have nothing to do with it. All we do now is walk in the light of it.

Today’s Thought to Take With You:

Jesus took what we had, sin, and gave us what He had, righteousness. In Christ I have right relationship with God my Father.

  • Reading Plan A: Matthew 14:1-21

  • Reading Plan B: Luke 14

  • Reading Plan C: Genesis 44-45; Matthew 14:1-21

Source: A Verse A Day

by Tim Davidson

Excerpt permission granted by

Word of Faith Church & Outreach Center

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Called to the Body of Christ as a pastor and teacher, Tim Davidson pioneered Word of Faith Church in Bismarck in 1980. He served as its Lead Pastor for 35 years and now serves as Founding Pastor. Pastor Tim has pioneered 6 churches in North Dakota and now serves as Regional Director for Rhema Ministerial Association International. Teaching believers foundational truths from God's Word is his passion.

He has authored 3 yearly devotion books that are used both here and overseas to help believers become "rooted and grounded" in their faith.

God is now calling Pastor Tim to share the treasury of wisdom and knowledge God has given to him with other pastors and churches.

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