Marching Orders for a New Year

by Jim Harper | Uncategorized

Dear Friend,

I just love the start of the new year. There is something special and wonderful about having a fresh start into a new season. The Word I received from the Lord for the year 2009 was, “It was the beginning of the end.” As I prayed regarding the focus of 2010, I kept hearing, “Marching orders.” A new fight in the spirit begins. It is a fight not only of prayer and spiritual warfare but applying in the world what is already inside of us. We are going to get in our places and be witnesses like never before. God will strategically place people in our lives who need Jesus and we will deliver God’s Word to them. Last year was a shock. 2010 is the time to fight back.

In order to make a comeback, we need some practical tools to help us get in position and that is what I want to share with you now. I have used these many times personally discipling and coaching believers to be their very best. Here they are:

· Personal daily devotion: Every morning read your Bible, worship, talk to God and then listen. Be sure to write in a systematic way the things God speaks to you. This is inspirational and a charging-up time.

· Core values: What do I believe? Write out what is important to you. This is the heart of what you really believe. For example; God, family, church community, health, exercise, travel, etc. Then write one or two lines describing each value. Now prioritize them in the order of importance. By doing this, you will establish what I call, “pre-decision.” You will automatically know what to do in situations because you know what is most important in your life.

· Mission Statement: Ask the question, “Who am I and what kind of person am I”? Make this a short paragraph describing yourself.

· Vision: What do I see? Write out what you have in your heart as to where you want to be. What do you really want in life? Take off the limits on this one dream. Make sure you are not being too general and be realistic, and true to what is in your heart.

· Strengths and weakness: Write out your talents and natural abilities and also the areas where you are lacking. The more honest you are the more it will help you. This will facilitate balance in your life.

· Duties: List all your responsibilities and those of your household. This will better define your life and eliminate confusion and conflict.

· Goals: These will be short and medium steps to manifest your “vision”. You can break them down into categories like: Spiritual, Career, Financial, Personal/Health, Family/Relationships. Here is a reminder to make SMART goals: Make your goals: Specific; Measurable; Action-oriented; Realistic and Timely. It is best to make 1, 5 and 10 year goals.

· Budget: List your income and expenses. Eliminate what you don’t need, take the limits off your income and live within your current ability. Get out and stay out of consumer debt.

· Daily plan: Always keep a daily, weekly, and monthly schedule. Find a system that works best for you. This will help you be a good steward of God’s time and events in your life. Be sure to prioritize your list and do what is urgent and then what is important. “Just do it!”

It is time to take advantage of making a fresh start this new year. Let’s make it the best we can and take back what the devil has stolen last year. Let’s get our lives in order so we can be qualified for the “Marching orders”.

We love and appreciate you and are praying for God to give you His direction, protection, health and blessing daily. We look forward to hearing from you this month.

Your friends and partners,

Jim, Tanya and kids

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Jim has been an active leader in the local church for many years. Some of the areas he has worked in include pastoring, teaching, altar counseling, singles ministry, youth ministry, prison ministry, ministry to the deaf, evangelistic outreaches, church building projects, hosting mission teams, and church planting.

Jim ministers with an emphasis on teaching and facilitating unity among believers. For many years now his heart has been stirred to serve the Lord abroad with a calling to the Russian-speaking people wherever they may be. Jim has helped many in this people group to know Christ and grow in their relationship with Him. Jim has also worked in the Far East of Russia. There he assisted the Christian churches in the areas of growth and unity by giving counsel conducting seminars and leadership schools.

Jim Harper is married to Tanya and they have three children: Anna Marie, Natasha Joy and Jimmy Andrew.

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