My Mother: A Woman of Strength and Dignity

by Jerriann Savelle Bridges | Uncategorized

Mother’s Day is a very special day because we all arrived on earth by a mother! I happen to have a very special mother; actually I think she’s the best mom in the world. I’ve learned so much from my mother that now I am applying what I learned from her into my children.

Daddy traveled most of Terri’s and my childhood, so mom was to do most of the raising. I know it had to be frustrating for her at times because she had to do everything, including the discipline, but we lavished the love on our daddy when he came home from a trip. Not until I was grown and had children of my own did I realize just how much she did for us.

The greatest feeling I had growing up, which my mother created in the home, was such a sense of peace. Our home was so full of peace. (Unless, of course, I started something to disrupt the peace. And believe me it was always me that started it.)

When I came home from school, I always felt peace and security there. I never had the sense of my parents getting a divorce. My mother created that atmosphere with her words and her prayers over our house and us. She created the atmosphere she wanted in her home and she succeeded.

Now, I am a mother of four and believe me it’s a lot harder than I thought to create that peace! There are times the boys are fighting, Madison is screaming, the dinner is burning on the stove, the dog ran away and I’m thinking, “Calgon, take me away!” It’s times like these I have to take a few minutes, go to my room and pray in the Spirit.

It always calms me and makes the situation seem to not be so bad. I become SUPERMOM, I can handle anything! I know that prayer and time in the Word is the key to a peaceful home. I heard my mother every morning praying and singing in the Spirit, then she would sing love songs to us thanking the Lord for her Jerri and her Terri.

My mom doesn’t claim to have a great singing voice, but hearing her sing about me was sweet melody to MY ears.

The world seems to be going at a faster pace than when I was a kid.

Everything is so high-tech nowadays. There’s Nintendo and Cable to keep our kids occupied. That is why it is so important that we set aside prayer time each day with our children, in the morning at the breakfast table, driving them to school, before they go to bed.

Prayer is the only covering we have in a crazy world. The church we attend is just a few blocks from Columbine High School. When you see a tragedy like that touch a community, it really hits home how effective praying over your children daily is so vital.

We are all busy in our lives as mothers, but it’s a MUST that we pray over our children. Another important thing that both our parents did was teach us scriptures. I have scriptures down in my spirit that I learned 25 years ago. I know even with my own children when I’m having them learn scriptures, at times it doesn’t seem like they’re getting it or that it’s boring to them, but they ARE getting it.

We have to keep at it as parents. Be consistent even when we see no results at first. If you notice, they know all the Jingles to commercials or the song leading into their favorite TV program. That’s because they’ve heard it over and over again. We have to plant the Word in them over and over again, so when a situation arises in their lives, they immediately speak the Word, they speak faith!

I’m so honored to have been born into this family and to have parents that lived such godly lives in front of me.

In honoring my mother this Mother’s Day, the Scripture that comes to mind is Proverbs 31:25-31 (Living Bible):

She is a woman of strength and dignity, and has no fear of old age. When she speaks, her words are wise, and kindness is the rule for everything she says. She watches carefully all that goes on throughout her house and is never lazy.

Her children stand and bless her; so does her husband. He praises her with these words: “There are many women in the world, but you are the best of them all!”

Charm can be deceptive and beauty doesn’t last, but a woman who fears and reverences God shall be greatly praised. Praise her for the many fine things she does. These good deeds of hers shall bring her honor and recognition from people of importance.

That’s my mom, and let’s make that our goal to be us too!

Have a wonderful Mother’s Day…you deserve it!

Copyright © Jerry Savelle Ministries International
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Jerriann Savelle is an author, speaker, television host, and the founder of Jerriann Ministries. In her honest and transparent way, she shares her story of God’s healing from low self-esteem, rejection, and damaged emotions. Jerriann is the mother to six beautiful children and resides in Granbury, Texas with her husband.

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