No Delays, No Limits

by Carolyn Savelle | Uncategorized

God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!
(Eph. 3:20 MSG)

Today’s Confession: God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that I could ask or think.

Becoming intense on the inside of you will stop the struggle in your prayer life. Once the struggle is gone, then the delay will be gone. Why? Because we’ve run out of time. Time is being compressed down to these last moments that we have left on planet Earth, and God’s Word will be fulfilled for His children.

I’m not just telling you something I made up. This works! I have tapped into something from God. I have become intense in my prayer life. I just won’t settle for anything less.

It’s like putting a puzzle together. You have all the pieces, you dump them out of the box, you turn all the pieces upright, and look for all the straight edges, right? Then you start to build the border and fill in the pieces. It’s so much fun when you put the last piece in the puzzle, and you have a clear picture of what the cover on the box presented to you. If there’s a piece missing, then the puzzle is not complete.

Well, God has given me a piece to the puzzle, and I believe it’s one of the last pieces before the appearing of Jesus. Jesus wants His Church to be thoroughly furnished with everything He has prophesied in His Word from the beginning of Genesis to the end of Revelation. He wants us to have clear perception. He wants us to have the information, and He wants us to obtain all things that pertain to life and godliness.

God has prearranged a good life for you to live (Eph. 2:10, Amplified). Your heritage as a child of God is to prosper. If you’re faithful to God, He’ll be faithful to you.

Did you know that God wants to lavish you? According to Ephesians 1:7,8,9(AMP), God not only wants you having the desires of your heart, but He also wants to lavish you with blessings.

The word lavish means to bestow with profusion, produced in abundance, extravagant, very abundant, more than what is needed, and to pour out as of wastefully.

God wants to produce abundance in your life. He wants to be extravagant with you. He wants to make more than what is needed. There is no limit with God.

Copyright ©  Jerry Savelle Ministries International
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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Carolyn Savelle has an incredible testimony of growing up her entire life under the power and anointing of Jesus. She was reared in Shreveport, Louisiana, where she heard preachers such as Oral Roberts and William Branham. Throughout her life she has witnessed God's miraculous power.

At the age of eight she heard the voice of God calling her into the ministry. God spoke to her and said, "One day you will marry a man who will preach the gospel and you will be missionaries in Africa." Her husband, Dr. Jerry Savelle, is now a world-renowned evangelist and teacher of the Word of Faith.

Throughout her life, Carolyn has been a bold and powerful minister of the Word of God. Her teachings have blessed thousands and made a profound impact on the lives of people throughout the world.

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