Now Available: 365-Day Devotional by Mac Hammond

by Laura Wegener | Uncategorized

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Your daily routine matters. That’s why we wanted to give you the opportunity to purchase Pastor Mac Hammond’s new book: Winner’s Minute With Mac Hammond 365-Day Devotional. Anyone can take a minute to read through each day’s devotion and be challenged to make better choices in the day ahead. You and your friends can jumpstart your mornings—yes, even the busy ones!—with a quick thought, an inspiring quote, and a scripture for your day.

Click here if you would like to try a free 7 day sample of the devotional. You can also buy now.

Mac is the senior pastor of Living Word in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the church from which cfaith was launched in 2000, the parent church of He and his wife, Lynne, started Living Word over forty years ago; prior to that he was a successful business leader. He has learned firsthand lessons in personal growth, leadership, and perseverance that he now passes on to you through this devotional. We encourage you to take a minute every day to read and apply these devotionals to your life.

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If you want to watch Winner’s Minutes, they air live every weekday in the Minneapolis area as well as online at

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When my tenth grade creative writing teacher commented on how well I wrote, she had no idea her words launched my writing career. Her words worked on me for a while until my senior year when I felt the Lord lead me to go to Bethel University and major in writing.

Since that decision, I've been amazed where God has taken me. I've become a published author--something touted during college as close to impossible. I've also been able to write, edit, and proofread for a variety of projects and clients.

My completed projects include writing/editing/proofreading for 12 different books, back cover copy for over 75 books, CD sets, and DVDs, copy for five different websites, ghostwriting for several different people.

My clients have included Barbour Books, Moody Publishers, Augsburg Fortress, Living Word Christian Center, and Kharisma Finishing School.

Beyond writing, I love spending time with my family, cooking, baking, reading, and helping out at church. I love learning from everyday experiences and relating them to my walk with God. Erik Wegener came into my life in 2007 and within a year and a half, we married and started a wonderful life together. Our family includes our firstborn, Brody, who is partying in heaven with Jesus, and our second and third sons, Brayden and Jase, who are partying on earth with us.

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