NYC Meeting: A Conversation With Donald Trump & Ben Carson

by Billye Brim | Uncategorized

Recognizing the praying people you are, I give this report of a historic event I was blessed to attend yesterday in New York City. It was called: A Conversation with Donald Trump & Ben Carson.

One thousand Christian leaders were invited to attend a meeting at the Marriott Marquis on Broadway in NYC. The meeting was hosted by United in Purpose & My Faith Votes.

Buddy Pilgrim, a steering committee member, told us as we were flying to the meeting that from start to finish it was put together in two months. It is worthy of note that so many busy people were able to clear their calendars to come.

The steering committee members were allowed to invite (don’t hold me to this) but I believe 40 spiritual leaders. Buddy had invited Pastors George and Terry Pearsons, and Vicki Pilgrim. Gary Bauer invited me and I took my grandson, Branden Brim.

The Morning
Security was tight. After getting through, at about 7:10 we were in line outside the doors to get in. Doors opened at 8:00. Seating except for the steering committee and VIP guests was first come, first served. Tables were set up around the large room. (Lunch would be eaten there later.) We got good seats.

Welcomes: Dr. Ben Carson, Ralph Reed and others

Intros: Reverend Franklin Graham shared good things. And reminded us that even the Bible’s leaders had flaws. Abraham lied. Moses disobeyed God. David committed adultery and had a man killed. Saul/Paul persecuted and stood for killing Christians. If God had to wait for a perfect person to make a leader, there would never be one.

Jerry Falwell, Jr., now President of Liberty University, introduced Donald Trump.
He spoke well of Trump, and of a close association with him and his family for about one year.

Donald Trump
Trump entered confidently and smiling from stage left. The audience was warm in its welcoming reception.

He spoke to us for a while. In this he pointed out something that stayed with me the whole day and until now, this election is about the Supreme Court. The next president will appoint 2, 3, 4, or possibly 5 life term Justices. He spoke of protecting religious freedom. Spoke of how ministers are not as free as the man on the street.

He pointed out that the clergy is largely muzzled, and dominated by fear about expressing their views on elections and things political. He said that he couldn’t understand it. Then someone pointed out the fear was of losing their 501-C3’s.

He said this ought not be. Spoke about the terrible Lyndon Johnson Amendment that caused this. He challenged the leaders not to be ruled by fear.

Donald Trump and Governor Huckabee
Sitting in two comfortable chairs with a table between, Governor Huckabee moderated a Q and A session with Donald Trump.

Huckabee asked the first question. He said, “During the debates I watched you with your family behind the scenes. People can put on a front on stage in front of cameras. But I watched the close relationship, love, and respect your family has.

Trump: (This is the gist of it, not exact.) There was a phrase I said over and over, almost every day to my children, “No alcohol. No drugs. No cigarettes. (I added the last one later.) They repeated it. My daughter, Ivanka, was so little she didn’t even know what alcohol and drugs were, but she repeated it.

I started this because I have so many friends whose children were smart, talented, well-to-do, could afford the best educations, but all this was lost because of addiction to one thing or another.”

Questions from the floor came from these and others: Dr. James Dobson, Dr. David Jeremiah, Tony Perkins, Kelly Shakelford, and Sammy Rodriguez.

Trump was asked about and shared about in his opening remarks: religious freedom. Questions included Israel, Supreme Court appointments, race issues, abortion, terrorism, border and immigration issues.

His demeanor and the demeanor of the audience was congenial, I thought.

As the importance of the Supreme Court nominees was so dominant, I thought his answers were strong. It seems he has already listed 11 nominees he would make. He said all his judges would be vetted by The Federalist Society, a strong conservative organization.

His answers on Israel were also strong in that we should repair our association with this ally. Interestingly, he said he could not understand American Jews voting democratic when the administration had done so many demeaning and dangerous things re Israel.

His views on Islamic Jihadism were made plain.

Afternoon Q and A
After a tasty buffet, and after some other addresses, the floor opened for Q and A.

Mr. Trump had left the building to keep his schedule.
He stayed with us past the allotted time. I would guess well more than an hour.
Governor Huckabee kept pointing out that it was past the time we had agreed for.
Mr. Trump said, “There is no place more important for me to be than here.”

Though Trump was not present, many very influential people were still there.

From the audience, people with questions stood and were recognized.
The questions about what terrible things are happening in our military were especially enlightening.

After saying, “We will entertain one more question,” the moderator recognized me. Somehow, I felt he would.

I stated that everyone in the room probably agreed on Genesis 12:3, that we should bless Israel. But many do not know how. Well-meaning Presidents and leaders have initiated terrible plans such as “The Road Map to Peace” which called for two-state solution and the dividing of Jerusalem.

I pointed out that nations would be judged as nations.
The only criteria the Bible mentions is how they treat Israel.
Then I read from my little book Nations are Judged on How They Treat Israel.

FOR BEHOLD, in those days and at that time when I shall reverse the captivity and restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all nations and will bring them down into the Valley of Jehoshaphat, and there will I deal with and execute judgment upon them for [their treatment of] My people and of My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations and [because] they have divided My land.
(Joel 3:1-2 AMP)

My Take Away

  • Importance of Supreme Court nominees.
  • So enjoyed fellowship with leaders. Some I’d known years ago. Some brand new acquaintances. Impressed with how they love and pray for America.
  • Wonderful heartfelt prayers for America were led by James Robison, and others.
  • Dr. Jack Graham, pastor of a large Baptist Church, closed the day with a prayer ending in:

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.
(Eph. 3:20-21)


Billye Brim Ministries
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Billye Brim's Christian heritage is rich. She sensed the call of God in early childhood. However, it was only after an encounter with the Holy Spirit in 1967, that she as a young wife and mother of four began to follow Him to walk out her call. For almost ten years she served as Editor of Publications for Kenneth E. Hagin Ministries where she also taught at Rhema Bible Training Center.

Immediately after ordination in 1980, she traveled to Soviet Russia in what proved to be ongoing ministry there. Since then she has literally ministered around the world several times over.

Kent and Billye Brim with Lee and Jan Morgans founded a local church in Collinsville, Oklahoma. A Glorious Church Fellowship is the foundation of Billye Brim Ministries and Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks in Branson, Missouri, and the soon-to-be-built Migdal Arbel Prayer and Study Center in Israel.

When Kent passed away in 1986, Billye was led to "study Hebrew in the Land." Studying at Ulpan Akiva in Israel led to the unique Seminar Tours she has guided in the Land from 1986 to now. It also provided a pattern for the Prayer and Study Center in Israel.

"Helping Pray-ers" is a God-given directive in her life. One place this happens is at Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks near Branson, Missouri. On 200 plus acres log cabins provide places for individual prayer or small prayer groups. Corporate prayer meetings are held twice a week in the chapel.

On Wednesdays at 12 Noon Central Time, the meeting is streamed live. Pray-ers (who have named themselves World-Wide Pray-ers) join in united prayer via thousands of computers in more than 60 nations. This prayer is focused primarily on an Awakening to God. For in a corporate prayer meeting in June 2008, Billye Brim and the pray-ers were impressed with these words: One thing will save America…an Awakening to God. One thing will avail for Israel and the nations, An Awakening to God. Several thousand pray-ers from around the world gather in Branson for an Autumn Assembly of Prayer she hosts.

Billye Brim is blessed to work with others across the Body of Christ. She strongly believes in walking out what Scripture teaches that we are one Body, with one Head, one Spirit, one Lord.

First Corinthians 10:32 is foundational in Billye Brim's ministry. The "good works that He has ordained that she should walk in" involve activity among the Jews, the Nations, and the Church-all to the Glory of God.

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