Operation Grocery Store

by Lynne Hammond | Devotions for the Praying Heart

The people who sat in darkness saw a great light, and upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death Light has dawned.
Matthew 4:16

One of the most important things the Lord has taught me about bringing God’s light to people is that it doesn’t always involve passing out tracts, quoting Bible verses, and preaching the plan of salvation. Romans 4:17 says God’s kingdom is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. So bringing His kingdom near to people means that we touch their lives with those qualities. It means we share with them the goodness, peace, and joy God has given us.

The first time I saw that, I said, “Okay, Lord. I’ll do it!” Then I headed out to the grocery store.

As I put my list in my purse, the Lord said to me, “Now, Lynne, I want you to go to the grocery store today with the understanding that your mission is not just to buy groceries. Your mission is to penetrate the darkness. Your mission is to bring the love, light, and life that’s inside you to people who don’t have it.”

Do you know that changed everything about my trip to the store? Usually when I go there, all I see are shelves lined with cans and jars. But that day, I saw people. I saw needs. I saw opportunities to be a blessing.

I realized I wasn’t just buying food, I was on assignment for Jesus. I was in the harvest field on a mission for God. And I don’t mind telling you, it made grocery shopping a lot more fun!

Scripture Reading: Titus 2:8

Source: Devotions for the Praying Heart by Lynne Hammond.
Excerpt permission granted by Lynne Hammond Ministries

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