Our Father

by Carman | Articles, Christian Living

It is a wise father that knows his own child.
– William Shakespeare

It is a challenge for many today to relate to a father, since many family units are without one living in the home. That makes it much more difficult for people to understand the concept of a Father God. Many have never known the love and care of a father. Others have known only abuse or neglect from their father.

Satan has worked tirelessly to destroy the family unit. In doing so he has muddied the thinking of young minds about fatherhood. Satan hates the Father, and he wants all men, women, boys, and girls to hate the whole idea of a father.

Gone are the days of “Leave It to Beaver,” where Ward came home and handled the difficult character issues facing Beaver and Wally, then disciplined them firmly but affectionately.

Today we have Homer Simpson and Tim (The Tool Man) Taylor, who act like morons most of the time and incite little or no respect from their wives and children. Add most of society’s personal experiences with their fathers—or lack of fathering—and we have a huge void in the family structure.

We cannot undo society or our own personal father issues, but God can. Through Jesus, we can know the real Father. He heals us and restores us and makes up for anything we missed from our natural fathers, which will provide the foundation we need to fulfill our mission.

Remember, the Father wants all the children He can get! That’s why He put a desire in you to bring more children into His kingdom. It is your mission to share with others about our Father, the One who will never leave nor forsake us, the One who gives us peace in the midst of the storm, and the One who has prepared a glorious eternity for all who are committed to Him.

“For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father” (Rom. 8:15).

Source: Mission 3:16 Devotional by Carman.
Excerpt permission granted by Albury Publishing

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Carman Domenic Licciardello is an enigma in Christian music, often described as part evangelist, part Vegas Showman. His concerts were more like a rock and roll Billy Graham Crusade than a Christian music event. After all the singing, dancing, clapping, and preaching, crowds of people would stream down to the counseling area to accept Christ-many times as many as 5,000 in an evening.

Admission was usually free; a simple offering was taken, similar to 30,000 churches on Sunday mornings. And he filled the largest stadiums the world over. Carman held the record for the largest Christian concert ever in Dallas, Texas. But it even goes beyond that. Take the Mega Stadium acts that played the famed landmark such as Pink Floyd, U 2, Madonna, The Jackson Five, Paul McCartney, Garth Brooks, and even Metallic. As the newspapers noted, you'll see that the one-act that drew the highest attendance in Texas Stadium was Carman, with 71,132.

Carman (1956-2021) was a popular contemporary Christian singer and songwriter.

Born Carman Licciardello, he began recording under his first name and released his debut album in 1980. Carman began charting contemporary Christian hits in 1984 with "Sunday's on the Way," reaching No. 1 with "The Champion" (1986) and "Radically Saved" (1988). His other hit songs include "Lord of All," "Jesus Is the Light," and "Satan, Bite the Dust!" Carman reportedly holds the world record for the largest audience at a Christian concert. His popularity was at its height in the 1980s and early '90s, but he continued releasing albums for years, including his most recent release, 2014's "No Plan B." In 2018, he was inducted into the Gospel Music Hall of Fame.