Our Weapons are Mighty Through God

by Keith Butler | The Anointed Word

“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds” (2 Cor. 10: 4).

Our weapons are not of the flesh. They are mighty through God, which means they work in God and they are instruments of God. The weapons we use against the enemy can only be operated through God, through His power, and through His anointing.

Let’s look at our weapons. The Greek word for “weapon” refers to that of a Roman soldier. Their weapons are offensive and defensive. He has brutal weapons of attack. Now, a Roman soldier carries certain armaments. Ephesians chapter six gives us an example of what he carries in the natural and what believers are to carry in the spiritual:

• First, he carries a shield for protection. We carry a faith shield to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.

• Then, he carries a sword. We carry the sword of the Spirit.

• And, he wears killer boots with hobnails sticking out of the toes and heels about one to three inches long. Ours are shoes of peace.

• Finally, He has a helmet to protect him. The helmet of salvation protects us.

Well, these are brutal weapons of warfare. As you can see, the Roman soldier fights in the natural realm, but our weapons were designed to fight in the spiritual realm.

Notice the Scripture says “our warfare.” Now “warfare” in the Greek means strategy; the worse kind of fighting; to massacre; to humiliate; and to be in an all-out intensive war. So this is not kid’s stuff; this is a massacre type of war. Our weapons are brutal, and our strategy by which we humiliate the enemy is not carnal but mighty through God.

So, God has equipped you with mighty weapons to massacre, humiliate, and brutally attack the devil. The word “mighty” means dunamis. It’s the highly explosive power of God. It will explode on any situation you may have – sickness, poverty, lack, family problems – it’s the burden-removing, yoke-destroying power of God. It is the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

First, this tells us that God has made His power available for us to use. Secondly, that we don’t have to rely on just what we can figure out with our natural mind. Now that’s good news.

So, be strong in the Lord. Know that the weapons of our warfare are mighty and explosive through God. Walk in victory in every area of your life because God has equipped you to win in Him.

Scripture References: Ephesians 6:10-17; 2 Timothy 2:1-5

Keith Butler Ministries

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Keith Butler has been an ordained minister since 1974. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan and holds diplomas from Canada Christian College and Rhema Bible Training Center.

He serves in ministry with the support of his lovely wife, Pastor Deborah L. Butler, and their children: Pastor Andre Butler (granddaughters Alexis, Angela, and April), Pastor MiChelle Ferguson and husband Pastor Lee (grandson Lucas), and Minister Kristina Jenkins and husband Pastor Joel (grandsons Andrew and Austin, and granddaughter Alyssa).

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