Overcome Deception with Truth and Prayer

by Charles Capps | Articles, Prayer

Many people seem to have a wrong perception about God and prayer.

So many people have prayed to a God that was hard to entreat, slow to hear, one that had to be pestered day after day, until one day maybe He would be persuaded to answer their prayer. When the truth came, they found there was no such God in the Bible. For God says, “Ask and it shall be given you…everyone that asketh receiveth.”

The Lord spoke to me several years ago saying, “Forget your preconceived ideas and study My Word as though you had never heard it before.” When I began to do that, I learned some other things. So much of my religious thinking was contrary to the Word of God.

I recovered myself out of the snare of the devil by acting on God’s Word, and you can do the same.

The Ability of God
Every born-again believer has God’s ability abiding in him in the person of Jesus Christ, yet few have ever learned to release that power. God is in you to the degree that His Word is in you. God and His Word are one.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). The Word was God in the beginning. The Word is still God today. God’s Word is Lord over every circumstance of life. Our minds cannot grasp these truths without the revelation that God and His Word are one.

Jesus said, “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you” (John 15:7). We stagger at the love and faith which God has invested in humanity. “If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our adobe (our home) with him” (John 14:23).

The spirit must be expanded by the rebirth in order to receive the awesome truths that Jesus spoke in the Word.

Hebrews 1:3 literally says Jesus was the exact expression of God’s substance. He was the exact personality of God. “I and my Father are one.” Truth personified. The Word was God…upholding all things by the word of his power.

God released His ability in Word form and it upholds all things. The whole universe stands in obedience to His Words. God’s ability is in His Word. We must learn to release that ability within us by rightly dividing His Words.

Jesus said, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace” (John 16:33). Many of God’s people are held in bondage because the enemy has perverted their minds to the great truths of the Word of God. God gave you His Word to put you over. He designed it to work every area of life. His Word works and it knows no time or distance. It is spiritual law.

God’s Word Rules
God’s Word is alive and powerful (Heb. 4:12). It is living substance. It is law in the word of the Spirit. It is more powerful than the laws of nature that govern the universe today.

The law of gravity works continually. You won’t wake up some morning on the ceiling, wondering why the law of gravity isn’t working! No, you can rest assured that when you wake up in the morning, you will be lying down; you won’t be lying up on the ceiling.

Just that sure are God’s spiritual laws and they work continually. They work the same yesterday, today and forever. They will never change. The Word says, “God changeth not.”

God’s Word never changes, but it changes things.

Laws of God
Let us take off our religious eyeglasses and look at some things that Jesus said concerning prayer. There are laws of God that govern and uphold all things. I want you to see that the laws we will be referring to are God’s laws and they are spiritual. God is a Spirit and He created the universe. Everything you see has been created by a Spirit.

Now sometimes people get the idea that this is the real world and that the spirit world just somehow doesn’t exist because they can’t see it with the natural eye. It is like a fog out there somewhere. Many people believe in it like they do Santa Claus. The spirit world is the real world. This is not the real world. The Word says, the things which are seen are temporal (2 Cor. 4:18). In other words, they are subject to change.

But the Word of God “liveth and abideth forever” (1 Peter 1:23). God’s Word is a living Person (Jesus) and abides forever. The reason you have eternal life is because you received the eternal Word into your spirit and He is life. The Word is eternal and He produces after His kind.

Scriptural Bondage
Today there are many Christians that have been deceived by the evil one. Satan is called the deceiver. His ability is in his deception. Jesus stripped him of his authority and power. God’s Word will always strip the armor from Satan and bring to light his deception.

Deception is only armor. God’s Word will penetrate that armor and expose him.

Many are held in bondage by certain scriptures. Have you noticed that the devil tried to put Jesus in bondage by quoting scriptures? Now the enemy knows a few scriptures, but he will quote them out of context to bring you into bondage.

If you take scripture out of context, you can make the Bible say anything you want it to say. For example, the Bible says that Judas went out and hanged himself. Then in another place Jesus said, “Go thou and do likewise.” If you take these two scriptures out of context and put them together, you could say that the Bible says it is alright to go hang yourself. Well, some folks have. They have hung themselves spiritually by doing so.

Certain scriptures hold people in bondage because they seem to say things which they do not say at all. If you learn to rightly divide the Word, it will produce liberty. It will also produce power and strength in your life. Just as food will produce physical strength for the body, so will the Word of God produce spiritual strength for the spirit man. We need to feast on the Word and be doers of it.

It is Written
On the mount of temptation (Luke 4) Jesus spoke three words that shook the foundation of Satan’s kingdom beyond repair: “It is written.” Jesus stood on a sure foundation and refused to speak anything except what His Father said.

Notice, when all else failed to move Jesus off the Word, Satan himself began to quote scripture. The last and greatest of all deceptions is to take the Word out of context and distort it to make it say something different from the true meaning.

This was Satan’s double-barrel shot, his last ditch stand: “Cast thyself down from hence: For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee: And in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.”

You will notice the enemy quoted it almost word for word from Psalm 91:11-12. He drew it out of context to infer that Jesus could not commit suicide even by jumping off the pinnacle of the temple.

Psalm 91:9-13 is a beautiful passage of scripture promising protection from evil, plagues, and accidental destruction; but in no way does it apply to a willful act of self-destruction.

In this, you see what I believe is Satan’s ultimate deception to Christians today. He distorts men’s minds with religious thinking that causes the very opposite meaning to be magnified and covers the true meaning with the garbage of intellectual reasoning.

He has done this with the great truths that Jesus taught concerning prayer. He has a reason: Effective prayer will destroy his kingdom of darkness and release the ability of God in the earth.

As the Church of Jesus Christ comes to the knowledge of its authority in prayer as a joint-heir with Christ, it will partake of His divine nature. Then shall the Church proclaim boldly, It is written!

Source: Releasing the Ability of God Through Prayer
by Charles Capps
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers

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Charles Capps is a retired farmer, land developer, and Bible teacher who has traveled extensively throughout the United States and several foreign countries sharing the truths of God's Word. He has taught Bible seminars for over 35 years, emphasizing the authority of the believer, faith and the power of words.

Charles and Peggy both have their roots in the rich farmland of Lonoke County, Arkansas. Having been raised by parents who were farmers, Charles began farming cotton, soybeans, and rice immediately after graduating from high school and marrying in 1951.

Peggy, being 3 1/2 months older than Charles had to sign as the adult on his behalf when he wanted to begin flying lessons at the age of 17. They joined an organization known as the Flying Farmers and gained experience going to "fly-ins" and national meetings across the United States. Neither knew that this skill of flying would be such an asset later when Charles began teaching personal evangelism in the 1960's. He spoke on the subject of soulwinning in churches not only in the US, but flew his twin engine Piper Comanche to the Bahamas to teach students of Youth With a Mission how to share Christ with others.

After reading a book by Kenneth E. Hagin entitled, "Authority of the Believer", Charles and Peggy's life took on a new dimension of travel and ministry as Charles became known for his teaching gift and insight on the subjects of faith and confession. Invitations to minister to the Full Gospel Businessmen's Fellowship International (FGBMFI) began to pour in, eventually leading to the publication of his teachings in book form. "The Tongue a Creative Force" and "God's Creative Power(r) Will Work for You" became bestsellers after Buddy Harrison, Kenneth Hagin's son in law, launched his publishing company with these two classics. These two books have sold millions (the God's Creative Power(r) series has sold over 5 million copies) and are still much in demand today.

We celebrated Charles' promotion to heaven at 5:15 pm Sunday, February 23, 2014. He informed the family and close friends on Friday that he would be going home to heaven in 3 days. After having some final words with family and friends on Saturday, he went to bed, went to sleep and never awoke. (He kept saying, "I want to go in my sleep.") His wife and daughters had the privilege of being with him as he finally got that glorified body he always talked about. Charles Capps was a man of integrity, a man of his word and he got what he said. He called those things that be not as though they were.

Charles Capps broadcast called, "Concepts of Faith", continues a daily national radio broadcast and a weekly television broadcast aired over several networks, satellite, and the internet. Click on the Radio or TV link to find the broadcast in your area.

Peggy continues to reside in Arkansas. Both Charles' and Peggy's daughters, Annette and Beverly are involved in the ministry.

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