My husband is sick and I’ve been praying for him. But it seems like my prayers aren’t even reaching the ceiling. People tell me to have faith, but I don’t even know how to do that. How can I get God’s attention? If it takes faith, how can I get more of it?
Answer: God is so good and His Word is so true. You don’t have to beg Him to perform it. You don’t have to holler to get His attention. You have His attention. So, don’t ever say that your prayers aren’t reaching the ceiling. Your prayers don’t have to go further than your mouth.
How do I know that? Because Romans 8:11 says that the same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you. His Spirit is literally in you. So, He can hear your prayers. On top of that, He can even hear your thoughts. If your husband is born again, that same Spirit that dwells in you also dwells in him! The only requirement is that you and your husband believe that God can and will minister healing.
You must believe that God’s Word is true. Not just true for somebody else, but true for you and your family! So, if you know God’s Word is true for your family, then the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead will quicken your husband’s mortal body. He will be healed. This is the Word of the Lord. And God is not a liar. His Words are truth and life to ALL who hear and believe them in faith.
I love how Hebrews 11:1 defines faith. It says, Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Faith is the vehicle that brings all of God’s promises home to us.
Faith gets God’s attention. In fact, you can’t get anything from God without using your faith. Salvation comes by faith. Marriage restoration comes by faith. Prosperity comes by faith. Healing comes by faith. Everything that God has to offer us comes by faith. I always like to say that faith isn’t believing that it might happen, it’s knowing that it will happen. There is a big difference between believing and knowing.
How do we get mountain-moving faith? The answer to that question is found in Romans 10:17. There it tells us that Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. It doesn’t say that faith comes by “heard,” it says it comes by hearing. Hearing is an on-going process. You can’t count on a stored up supply of faith to move the mountain. Hearing must be a habit. Hearing seeds faith into your own heart! Every Christian needs more than just one or two sermons on Sunday to fulfill their need for faith!
God is so good. It is not His will that anyone experience sickness. God loved you and your husband so much that He sent His only Son to die for you on the cross. He didn’t do that for nothing. Stripes were laid on His back for you and your family’s healing. So, it isn’t His will that your husband remain sick. It isn’t His will that you experience lack.
Jesus came to this earth so that you and your family could experience an abundant life. Anything that steals, kills or destroys isn’t from God. It’s from Satan. But, praise God, you’ve been given authority over Satan by Jesus Christ! You have the power within you to send him running for cover.
Right now it is so very important that you continue your faith walk. Satan may try to get you to abandon your faith in God. But don’t listen to his lies. Don’t get weary in well-doing. Sometimes you may get discouraged. This is a normal, human reaction and God knows that you are an emotional creature. But those times of discouragement don’t give you an excuse to doubt God or His ability to perform His Word. It does, however, give you an excuse to enter into His presence. Your comfort is in the Lord.
The next time you feel discouraged, try combating that discouragement by deliberately entering His court with praise and thanksgiving. You won’t be thanking or praising Him for the sickness. After all, God didn’t give it.
But you will be thanking and praising Him for His awesome grace, love and mercy…for His healing power made available to you and your family through Jesus’ death on the cross. Remind yourself that you do what’s possible, God does what’s impossible!
I strongly suggest that you and your husband begin to fill your ears with the Word by listening to preaching tapes on healing and faith. Keep them playing in your home and while you’re driving in the car so that the seeds of faith can continually be planted in both of your hearts.
Remember, you are in a battle. And that battle might not have been your choice. But, praise God, the outcome of the battle is! So, stir up the gift that is in you with your own mouth. Remember, you are a Child of the God who lives by faith, and not by sight!
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Jesse Duplantis, minister of the Gospel, motivational speaker, television personality, and best-selling author, has been in full-time ministry since 1976 and is the founder of Jesse Duplantis Ministries, located in the Greater New Orleans area of south Louisiana in the United States of America. With over four decades of sharing his unique blend of humor and faith around the world, generations of believers have been inspired by his messages and countless numbers have come to know Jesus Christ as Savior through his ministry.
Known for his unflinching, status-quo-breaking messages and humorous take on experiences in the life of the believer, Jesse continues to draw large audiences of believers through social media, television, and meetings held around the world. With speaking engagements booked years in advance, Jesse Duplantis continues to keep an intense traveling schedule, flying throughout the United States and the world preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. With no booking agents pursuing meetings for him and no set fees imposed upon churches for speaking engagements, Jesse chooses his outreach meetings based on the same two criteria he always has: invitations that come in and prayer over each one. This uncommon way of scheduling in today’s world means Jesse’s many followers may find him speaking in some of the largest churches and venues in America and the world, as well as a great many small and growing congregations, too. No church is too big or small for the Holy Spirit, as he says.
Side by side with his wife Cathy Duplantis, the co-founder and chief of staff of Jesse Duplantis Ministries and the senior pastor of Covenant Church in Destrehan, Louisiana, Jesse continues to fulfill his life’s calling by daily taking up the Great Commission of Jesus Christ: “Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). Through social media, television broadcasts, books, and other ministry products, as well as through many evangelistic meetings, the JDM website, the JDM app, and Voice of the Covenant magazine, Jesse Duplantis continues to see growth in his ministry and expand each year while maintaining his roots. Jesus is the center of his life. The salvation of lost people and the growth of believers is the purpose of his ministry. And for both he and his wife, every day is another day to “Reach People and Change Lives, One Soul at a Time.”