
by Terry Nance | Uncategorized

Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith; or ministry, let us wait on our ministering.
(Rom. 12:6-7)

Notice the last phrase of our text: “Let us wait on our ministering.” Patience is another key to your developing longevity as an armorbearer. Patience means “bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint; manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain; not hasty or impetuous; steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity; able or willing to bear.”

You can see where a lot of problems come from in our lives-we are not patient. Our flesh is not willing to endure hardships, and it is always looking for an opportunity to be personally exalted and promoted. But the Bible says to “wait on our ministering.” God wants to develop His character in you first before He exalts your ministry. The hard part is that we want it the other way around-promotion first and character later.

As you determine to have the will of God operate in your life and you get connected to a local church, the opportunities to murmur, complain, and become impatient will be there. When these feelings come, we are often tempted to direct them toward those in authority over us. We feel that we have a call and a place in the church, but our leaders are not letting our gifts come forth.

Unfortunately, you may occasionally run into a leader who is a controlling type of person. But, the bottom line even then is this: did God call you there? If He did, it is probably for the purpose of learning patience.

If your leader becomes mentally abusive and gives himself over to that kind of spirit, God will work on your behalf. God is a just God.

Stay humble, fast, and pray to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit, and wait on God for your day of release. Keep hurt, bitterness, and unforgiveness out of your heart. It is difficult to make a right decision if you are emotionally distraught. Remember that God loves you and is on your side.

I have found that when I really want something to happen for me, when I really want a new door to open up, I first have to give it to the Lord. It is amazing, though, that when I do that, it is usually not long until the door begins to open. You must relax in God and in ministry and let His perfect timing take place. It is by faith and patience that you will receive the promise.

Developing the Spirit of an Armorbearer

  • Does this devotion strike a chord with you? Are you feeling antsy and impatient? Are you tempted to grumble and complain? If so, go to the Father and discuss the situation with Him. Confirm that He really wants you where you are. Then make a decision to adjust your attitude to one that reflects the fruit of the Spirit.

  • Give your desires for promotion and ministry to God, and trust Him to open the door for you at just the right time. Resist the temptation to run out ahead of God and open the door yourself.

  • Be encouraged by what the Bible says:

    “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time” (1 Peter 5:6).

    “And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted” (Matt. 23:12).

    “Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit” (Eccl. 7:8).




Dear God, help me to develop patience in my situation. You’ve shown me such wonderful things to come that it is often difficult for me to live in the now. I commit the dreams in my heart to You and allow You to help me develop my character and the fruit of the Spirit. I will wait on You and rest in You, and I trust You to open the necessary doors at just the right time. Amen.

Source: God’s Armorbearer Devotional by Terry Nance
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers

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Terry has served as senior associate minister of a thriving congregation for over 23 years with over 40 years of experience in local church ministry. He is currently the senior pastor of Impact Church in Sherwood, Arkansas. Terry has authored four books. On the bestselling list, these books have motivated thousands of Christians to stand with their leaders in faithful service, helping them to fulfill God's purpose for their lives.

Terry is the Founder and President of Focus on the Harvest, Inc. He's traveled extensively, awakening believers to this strategic generation. Through his God-given passion, believers are ignited to discover their gifts and callings, commit to the vision of their local church, and focus on the harvest of souls throughout their city, state, nation, and world.

Terry holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Southwestern University, where he met his wife, Kim. They've been married for over 40 years and have three children; McCall, Alex, and McKenna.

In May 2008, Terry and Kim began Impact Church, a dynamic and growing, multicultural body of believers in Sherwood, AR. We believe that Christianity is not a religion; it's a relationship. God loves each person individually. He desires everyone to know him personally.

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