“I awoke, for the Lord sustained me” (Ps. 3:5 NKJ).
There are many things that can keep a person from sleeping soundly. Guilt, fear, a troubled conscience, improper eating habits, even anxiety about the economy can make sleep impossible. Spiritual burdens and calls to intercede for others can awake the sleeper and remove his drowsiness from him.
Here the psalmist rejoices in the gift of sleep. His conscience was not bothering him. He had nothing on his mind that would rob him of peaceful slumber. The sleep he speaks of is God’s gift of re-creation and recuperation to His children to allow their bodies the opportunity to rebuild and restore themselves after a normal day’s work.
The key word in this verse for all of us is sustained. It is a translation of the Hebrew word camak (saw-mak’), which refers to the act of supporting, upholding or undergirding. We learned this word when we studied Isaiah 26:3, which could be paraphrased: “You will keep that one in perfect peace, who has his mind stayed (camak) on You (or inclined in Your direction).”
This verse also suggests the idea of liberal provision for needs. He gives His beloved sleep and He gives to His beloved in their sleep are both valid translations of Psalm 127:2. David could be saying, “I lay down and slept soundly; then I awoke to find that the Lord had taken good care of me.”
When you know you are in good hands – that the Lord is supporting, upholding, and undergirding you – then you will not be sleeplessly tossing and turning all night because of fear and anxiety.
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers