Power to the People!

by Beth Jones | Uncategorized

“The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]…”
(James 5:16, AMP)

I love the reality of this verse! Prayer makes tremendous power available—in our marriage, family, ministry, work and every area of our lives. Through prayer, we can make “deposits” into our future! What type of deposits have you been making?

I have found a great sense of peace in certain seasons of life; when I knew that prayer deposits had been made, it was easy to have faith for “withdrawals” from Heaven’s Powerhouse. Prayer makes tremendous power available. That means, without prayer this tremendous power may not be available. God’s mercy is always available, but many times we need “tremendous power” and this comes through prayer!

Prayer was never intended to be boring, ineffective or dutiful. When it comes to prayer, we should be “feelin’ it!” So, if you need a prayer booster shot—pray earnestly, continually and in a heartfelt manner. When you pray, remind yourself that you are putting God’s power on “deposit”—you are making tremendous power available and in a time of need the Lord will send that dynamic power to do its work!

Say This:
Father, today I ask You to help me put this Scripture into practice. I don’t want my prayer life to be boring, predictable or full of vain repetition. Help me to pray earnestly, continually and in a heartfelt manner for the things You put on my heart. Thank You that my prayers make tremendous power available! In Jesus Name. Amen.

Beth Jones Ministries
All rights reserved.

As a young couple, fresh out of Bible School with Two daughters and a third child on the way, Jeff and Beth Jones felt God's call to pioneer Valley Family Church in 1991 with a vision to make an eternal difference in Southwest Michigan. As a husband and wife team, they have always led together as visionary pastors and have shared the pulpit as Bible teachers. They are passionate about building the local church in greater Kalamazoo and the global church around the world.

Their message has always been focused on the basics of the Bible and has remained consistent since VFC's beginning. Throughout VFC's history, the goal of their teaching has been to help people live an abundant life through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit, and through faith in God's Word. In short, it's our mission statement: we exist to help people become devoted followers of Jesus who get the Bible basics, live the life and do the stuff.

Jeff and Beth have four kids and four grandchildren. Meghan is married to Brodie Hock. Annie is married to Zack Spangler. Luke is married to Kelsey Jones. Eric is married to Alexa Jones. All of their kids and in-laws have served with them in the church for many years and each sense their own unique calling to ministry.

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