Qualifying for Miracles

by Dick Mills | Uncategorized

“Healing all who were oppressed by the devil” (Acts 10:38 NKJ).

You have wanted more power in your life. You have desired to see more miracles in your ministry. You have fasted and prayed for a revival of signs, wonders, and miracles. One thing that will help speed the answer to those prayers is a clear understanding and appreciation of Satan’s tyranny over the human race.

Jesus contested the malignancy of Satan and, by the powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit, healed the oppressed ones. The key word in this great description of Jesus’ healing ministry is this reference to the oppression of the devil.

The word oppression is defined as “domination, total control, tyranny, lordship; the exercise of authority over another person or persons as a potentate or dictator.”

By their sin in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve abdicated their position as reigning over the earth. By default, they surrendered their dominion and authority to the usurper, the prince of darkness, who now holds the unbelieving world in a cruel vise-like grip (1 John 5:19 NKJ).

Jesus came to destroy the works of Satan (1 John 3:8). According to this verse in Acts, He went about doing good and breaking the stranglehold of Satan upon people.

In Psalm 97:10, David challenges us to love the Lord and hate the Evil One. You and I must look upon Satan’s victims with great compassion, and at the same time hate the enemy for what he is doing to them. This will qualify us for miracles quicker than anything else we could ever do.

Source: The Spirit-Filled Believer’s Daily Devotional by Dick Mills
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers

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Dick Mills was ordained at The International Church of the Foursquare Gospel in 1949. He and his wife Betty traveled as evangelists all over the United States, Canada, Mexico, Latin America, Europe, and Australia. Dick and Betty are now home in heaven.

In 1966 Dick and Betty became a part of the then-emerging Charismatic Renewal. Passing through all denominational barriers, Dick has had the opportunity to speak in thousands of churches of varied backgrounds all over the world.

He ministered within several Christian organizations, including the Full Gospel Business Men, Women's Aglow, Inter-church Renewal Catholic Pentecostals, mainline Charismatic groups, CBN and TBN television networks, and many other independent Christian TV stations.

Dick appeared on numerous radio talk shows, written several magazine articles, and spoke at many Bible conferences and universities. He served as an adjunct professor at six Schools of the Bible and Seminaries.

In addition, Dick authored and co-authored several books and tapes. Dick's ministry was characterized by the unique gifts God has blessed him with. His services informed, enlightened, and motivated people to a higher level of commitment to God.

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