Qualities of an Armorbearer

by Terry Nance | Uncategorized

In Samuel 16:21 we read, “And David came to Saul, and stood before him: and he loved him greatly; and he became his armourbearer.”

To be one’s armorbearer means you accept your God-given duty to stand with your pastor and help him fulfill the vision God has given him. You fully submit yourself to him in the process.

But remember one thing: the vision of the church you are called to serve is ultimately God’s vision, and if He did not think you could fit in with it, He would never have placed you in that ministry to begin with.

You will not always get a pat on the back for doing a good job. As Christians, our rewards are waiting for us in heaven. Would you prefer for your pastor to pat you on the back and say, “Good job,” or for Jesus to pat you on the back and say, “Well done, good and faithful servant?”

God is a wonderful accountant, and some day the books will be opened and the rewards distributed. I trust that your rewards will be great. They will be determined by your attitude here and now on this earth

Functions Of An Armorbearer
Now let’s look at some other functions of the armorbearer in order to get a better understanding of the loyalty and the attitude of heart which must be developed to fulfill this divine calling.

Qualities of a True Armorbearer

  • Awakens and arouses his leader, helping him to stand against all foes.
  • Carries and handles his leader’s weapons resourcefully.
  • Moves quickly alongside his leader through the thick of battle as a forceful escort who never falls behind.
  • Protects and watches out for his leader continually and continuously.
  • Repels any type of attack against his leader.
  • Rescues his leader from all difficulties and hardships.
  • Moves to resist totally and completely every enemy advance which comes against his leader to do him harm.
  • Opposes and routs his leader’s enemies swiftly and forcefully.
  • Remains always on duty at his leader’s side to tend to any need which may arise.
  • Keeps one eye on the leader at all times and the other eye trained on the enemy, anticipating the actions of both.
  • Surrenders completely to his leader, trusting him implicitly and obeying without hesitation his every command.
  • Carries out every plan of his leader successfully.
  • Completes his leader’s commands perfectly.
  • Assists his leader in all activities and undertakings.
  • Organizes and arranges his leader’s activities.
  • Prepares and cares for his leader’s belongings.
  • Takes very special care in the selection and preparation of his leader’s supplies.
  • Anticipates his leader’s needs and demands so as to properly furnish and supply what is needed.
  • Keeps his eye on the road ahead so as to point out to his leader any danger or pitfall.
  • Recognizes and brings to his leader’s attention any questionable matters or any vital information.
  • Strives to make his leader’s surroundings more pleasant and bearable.
  • Develops an eye for detail.
  • Helps bring an acceleration in growth and promotion to his leader’s progress.
  • Places primary emphasis on enhancing the leader’s position, guarding against any personal jealousy, envy or selfishness.
  • Exalts, respects and uplifts his leader at all times.
  • Watches for his officer’s every reward, claiming those which the leader may have overlooked.
  • Works tirelessly and diligently on behalf of his leader, seeking ways to advance his welfare and situation.
  • Fulfills his leader in every way, getting along with him, and making him feel comfortable in giving orders.
  • Sacrifices his own life and well-being for the betterment of his leader.
  • Works for his leader’s welfare at all time.
  • Demonstrates total intolerance of any false charge made against his leader.
  • Shares the dreams, goals and visions of his leader.
  • Desires to see his leader “get ahead.” Forgives his leader for any offense immediately and without harboring resentment or anger.
  • Refuses to hold a grudge against his leader for any reason.
  • Demonstrates extreme loyalty to his leader, even unto death.
  • Completes and complements his leader.
  • Flows well with his leader.
  • Esteems his leader as more important than himself.

It is obvious by now that a biblical armorbearer was much more than just a hired hand. An armorbearer was a person who undoubtedly spent many years, if not his entire life, in his officer’s service. Only in this manner could he come to know and understand his officer.

Servant, bodyguard, friend, companion, butler, cook and confidant are just some of the many roles the armorbearer filled in the life of his officer. His list of duties was interminable.

The position of armorbearer is one which requires great honor, love, tolerance and watchfulness. Unquestioning obedience was absolutely necessary, although after a few years of service the faithful armorbearer probably did not need to be told what his officer thought, desired or required. He knew him as he knew himself.

Dedication and devotion unto death was the order of each day for the biblical armorbearer.

Although there is no reference material available to indicate the exact procedure involved in the selection and training of an armorbearer in biblical days, it seems clear that whatever method was used, it was obviously a position of heartfelt loyalty.

May ours be no different today.

Source: God’s Armor Bearer by Terry Nance
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers

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Terry has served as senior associate minister of a thriving congregation for over 23 years with over 40 years of experience in local church ministry. He is currently the senior pastor of Impact Church in Sherwood, Arkansas. Terry has authored four books. On the bestselling list, these books have motivated thousands of Christians to stand with their leaders in faithful service, helping them to fulfill God's purpose for their lives.

Terry is the Founder and President of Focus on the Harvest, Inc. He's traveled extensively, awakening believers to this strategic generation. Through his God-given passion, believers are ignited to discover their gifts and callings, commit to the vision of their local church, and focus on the harvest of souls throughout their city, state, nation, and world.

Terry holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Southwestern University, where he met his wife, Kim. They've been married for over 40 years and have three children; McCall, Alex, and McKenna.

In May 2008, Terry and Kim began Impact Church, a dynamic and growing, multicultural body of believers in Sherwood, AR. We believe that Christianity is not a religion; it's a relationship. God loves each person individually. He desires everyone to know him personally.

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