Delivered from Bondage
Hebrews 2:14-15 relates, “Because God’s children are human beings – made of flesh and blood – Jesus also became flesh and blood by being born in human form. For only as a human being could He die, and only by dying could He break the power of the devil, who had the power of death. Only in this way could He deliver and completely set free all those who through the haunting fear of death were held in bondage throughout the whole course of their lives” [NLT/AMP].
Through death, Jesus brought to nought and made of no effect the power of Satan, thereby liberating all who have been subject to the slavery of fear. You and I have been delivered from the bondage of fear. Because Jesus died and destroyed the works of the devil, we do not have to live as slaves of terror, or dread, or worry, or torment of any kind. Jesus said, “Let not your hearts by troubled. Trust in God: Trust in Me also.” (John 14:1 Weymouth)
Don’t let your heart be troubled. How? Trust in God, Trust in Jesus. Like the Children of Israel at the Red Sea, we also may have ample cause to be alarmed and troubled. However, being fearful won’t help the situation – trusting God will.
Fear will only bring us closer to what we don’t want to happen. Faith in God, on the other hand, will halt, nullify, and completely deliver us from whatever weapon may try to form against us.
It is interesting to take notice that when God spoke to the Israelites, as recorded in Exodus 14:13-14, He commanded them: (1) Do not be afraid, (2) Stand Still and See the salvation of the Lord, (3) The Lord will fight for you, and YOU SHALL HOLD YOUR PEACE.
To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven. There is a time to speak, and a time to keep silence (Ecclesiastes 3:1,7b). Resisting fear may not always involve an audible response. In the case of the Israelites in Exodus 14, they were commanded to hold their peace – literally, to “be silent.” The particular “season” they were in necessitated silence, most probably because their hearts were not filled with faith at that time, and anything they would have spoken would have been words of fear instead of words of faith.
The same can sometimes be true for us. Merely parroting words of faith or the Word of God will not be effective, especially if fear is still dominating what we are doing and saying. Only words spoken in absolute trust in the Lord’s faithfulness will change the situation.
If we are not in position to speak boldly and confidently in faith, then our most effective weapon is to hold our peace, trust God, and let Him fight for us. Actually, anything we do should be led by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:14). If He prompts us to speak something, then we should speak. If He prompts us to remain silent, then we should remain silent. He knows what all is going on far better than we do. If we will stay open to Him and receptive to His guidance, we can live free from fear and from all its effects.
Hold on to Peace
Another interesting application of God’s command, “you shall hold your peace,” is to take the instruction as it is literally stated: you shall HOLD your PEACE. Hold on to your Peace… Hold your Peace and don’t let it go. Whenever fear enters our heart and mind, peace is the first thing that leaves. Fear robs us of our peace. One cannot fear and be at peace at the same time. This goes to show that if we will HOLD ON TO OUR PEACE, fear will not be able to get a foot in the door.
Peace is one of our divine possessions through Christ. Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; My own peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid… do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and unsettled” (John 14:27 AMP).
Philippians 4:7 discloses that the peace of God, which surpasses all power of thought, will garrison and mount guard over our heart and mind in Christ Jesus as we commit every concern to Him. When we hold on to the peace of God, it will guard and protect our heart and mind from torment and unrest.
Liberty from the control of fear is an important element of our Redemption. It is through being free from fear that we are capable of receiving deliverance from all trouble , and to embrace every good thing that the Lord has laid up for those who love and honour Him.
Fear does not have to be a part of our life – ever. We don’t have to live in torment, we don’t have to have our peace, our hopes, or our dreams stolen from us. We can live in peace and live in victory every day…
All because of Jesus, we have been Redeemed from fear.
Sharah LaGail Wyatt is Founder and President of First Love Ministries International aka FERVOUR (based in Fort Worth, Texas), with an extensive background in the fine and performing arts and in ministry. She is a member of the International Convention of Faith Ministries (ICFM). As an anointed teacher, writer/author, graphic artist, musician and composer, she desires to lead people of all ages into the presence of God and into developing a lifestyle of faith, worship and intimacy with Him.
Sharah has authored numerous articles on topics including prayer, holiness/purity, wisdom, faith, love, worship, healing/restoration and living in Christ. She is also the author of several books including: In His Presence: the meaning of true worship (2004), In Christ You Stand (2008), I Will: activating the master switch of the soul (2008). Her monthly ministry publication (newsletter), first published in 2005, is currently distributed in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, East Africa, West Africa, Argentina, Pakistan, India, Singapore, and the Philippines. Her young adult publication, FERVOUR, is distributed quarterly.
The official Website of First Love Ministries International, (launched in 2006), features a full Study Centre exhibiting numerous Online Articles written by Sharah LaGail Wyatt, along with a topical Question & Answer section also compiled by the author. The website continues to receive recurrent visits from more than 60 nations on six continents.