I’d like to take this opportunity to share with you some of my memories of Dr. Myles Munroe. As you know, this great Christian leader died in a plane crash Sunday, November 9, 2014, along with his precious wife, Ruth, and other dear souls.
I met Myles when I was a passionate and yet still green-behind-the-ear student at Oral Roberts University. He was a couple of years older than me, and had a staff role on campus.
Myles held these prayer meetings that were unlike anything I had ever experienced. He’d teach on prayer, then we would pray fervently for an hour, then he would teach again, and then we would pray. It was awesome! It reminded me of what it must have been like when Jesus took his three disciples to the Mount of Transformation. He didn’t take them there to be transformed; he took them there to pray. That’s what we felt like Myles did with us, he showed us where he went every day and by following him, he would teach us how to pray.
When Myles left to start the church in the Bahamas, he allowed me to come one summer to serve and learn. This was my first mission trip ever, and the entire experience was revolutionary on a number of levels. Still a young college student, I didn’t know anything except that I loved Jesus like crazy. During the six weeks I was there, I read through the entire Bible. It was like a fire hose from heaven!
Later, Myles officiated Katie’s and my wedding, and when we started Teen Mania, he coached us through every step. We spent our first summer of marriage living in the Bahamas under Myles’ and Ruth’s roof, soaking in the way they lived their lives and did ministry.
Myles served on Teen Mania’s Board for about 10 years. He ordained us and prayed over us as we entered into ministry. So many of our roots and foundations, from a faith perspective, were cultivated under Myles’ ministry and leadership. During this time, we grew very close to the founding members of this church.
He remained my mentor and friend. When my daughter, Hannah, survived a plane crash, he called me immediately afterward, preaching to me and encouraging me for more than an hour over the phone.
Now it has become our time to comfort those who are mourning. In this plane crash, Bahamas Faith Ministries body lost not only the father and mother of the church, but essentially its entire core leadership.
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I’d like to take this opportunity to share with you some of my memories of Dr. Myles Munroe. As you know, this great Christian leader died in a plane crash Sunday, November 9, 2014, along with his precious wife, Ruth, and other dear souls.
I met Myles when I was a passionate and yet still green-behind-the-ear student at Oral Roberts University. He was a couple of years older than me, and had a staff role on campus.
Myles held these prayer meetings that were unlike anything I had ever experienced. He’d teach on prayer, then we would pray fervently for an hour, then he would teach again, and then we would pray. It was awesome! It reminded me of what it must have been like when Jesus took his three disciples to the Mount of Transformation. He didn’t take them there to be transformed; he took them there to pray. That’s what we felt like Myles did with us, he showed us where he went every day and by following him, he would teach us how to pray.
When Myles left to start the church in the Bahamas, he allowed me to come one summer to serve and learn. This was my first mission trip ever, and the entire experience was revolutionary on a number of levels. Still a young college student, I didn’t know anything except that I loved Jesus like crazy. During the six weeks I was there, I read through the entire Bible. It was like a fire hose from heaven!
Later, Myles officiated Katie’s and my wedding, and when we started Teen Mania, he coached us through every step. We spent our first summer of marriage living in the Bahamas under Myles’ and Ruth’s roof, soaking in the way they lived their lives and did ministry.
Myles served on Teen Mania’s Board for about 10 years. He ordained us and prayed over us as we entered into ministry. So many of our roots and foundations, from a faith perspective, were cultivated under Myles’ ministry and leadership. During this time, we grew very close to the founding members of this church.
He remained my mentor and friend. When my daughter, Hannah, survived a plane crash, he called me immediately afterward, preaching to me and encouraging me for more than an hour over the phone.
Now it has become our time to comfort those who are mourning. In this plane crash, Bahamas Faith Ministries body lost not only the father and mother of the church, but essentially its entire core leadership.Many people have asked me to share a little about the couples’ home-going ceremony. Katie and I actually attended a series of funerals while in the Bahamas. We landed at noon in the Bahamas, after getting up at 3 a.m. to catch our flight, and went straight to the first funeral which was for Pastor Rich, who was also on that flight. We feared we might have arrived at the end, but after two hours, they were only half way through the service. We spent the rest of the afternoon with the people.
The next day, the Bahamian government had a national memorial for Myles at an enormous stadium. There must have been 10,000 people in attendance. It was broadcast live on national television. The Prime Minister of the Bahamas was there and a number of important people flew in just to give a few minutes of condolences. The ceremony lasted five hours.
The following day, at Myles and Ruth’s home-going service at their church, you had to have tickets because there was limited room. It was a state funeral so they had military carry the coffins; the Prime Minister was there, as well as the Governor of Generals. This funeral was also broadcast on TV and lasted six-and-a-half hours.
Myles was the type of person and the kind of teacher, if you ever heard him preach, that kept you listening to his every word for two-hour sermons. The details of his life, ministry, and service to God were just as captivating.
The processional to the gravesite was another two hours—and was deeply touching. There were 1,000 wailing and weeping Bahamians lining the streets as the coffins went by, and people were reaching out to touch them. It was very moving to watch these dear people who loved and admired Myles and Ruth.
On Sunday, I spoke at Myles’ and Ruth’s church. I shared with them how Myles had called me right after Hannah’s crash, and I told them many of the same things he spoke to me in terms of how to reckon with the pain and walk through the grief. I don’t think it was an accident that we were able to help and be part of this experience with them.
Pastor Dave and Angie Burrows, who will now lead the church, are our longtime friends. They both went to ORU, as well. Dave would stay at Katie’s and my apartment when he would visit Angie during their courtship. Our hearts are for them and we have committed to do anything we can to support them as they transition to the next chapter as senior pastors.
It was an honor to be there for that week and to walk with them as they start leading the church. We did whatever we could to love on them and their congregation. In the days to come, if you would, please continue to pray for Dave and Angie Burrows as they walk their congregation into a new season of ministry.
God bless you for praying for us. We felt your prayers and were strengthened by them. We love you and pray that you are finding comfort and joy in Emmanuel… God with us.
Ron Luce was the co-founder and president of Teen Mania Ministries from 1986-2015. Ron and his wife Katie dreamed to raise young people who would change the world.
Ron received his bachelor's degree in Psychology and Theology from Oral Roberts University and his master's in Counseling Psychology from the University of Tulsa, along with an honorary doctorate from Jerry Falwell of Liberty University. He is a sought-after speaker who has traveled to more than 60 countries and has made numerous media appearances, such as Dr. James Dobson's Focus on the Family radio broadcast, CNN, The O'Reilly Factor, ABC Nightline, The 700 Club, Trinity Broadcasting Network, and the Sean Hannity Show. Ron has also written 35 books for teens, youth pastors, and parents and continues to speak at leaders' conferences helping parents and pastors understand the plight of today's youth and showing them how all of us can be part of the solution.
Ron and Katie currently live in Garden Valley, Texas, with their son Cameron. They have two daughters, Hannah and Charity.