Resolving Conflict on the Job

by Steve Marr | Articles, Business

Tom was a sales manager for an electrical supply company. Because he wanted to set a good example for his sales force, he was quite aggressive in obtaining new business. Unfortunately, he often promised special services that the company couldn’t deliver, and other times he would set prices below the company’s cost just to get the business.

This didn’t go unnoticed and, over time, the Operations Vice-President and the Controller became angry. While they both agreed something should be done, neither of them was willing to confront Tom about his business practices.

Finally, after nearly a year, the company President himself got involved. As he investigated the increasing number of customer complaints and the reduced profit margins, the picture became clear. Ultimately, the only “solution” was to dismiss Tom.

Too often, this is a realistic workplace scenario. Issues, which should be dealt with at the supervisory level, become middle management problems. And when middle management won’t “face the music” and resolve the situation, the company’s owner or CEO has to get involved.

In the end failure to resolve such conflicts affects everyone, co-workers and supervisors as well as management.

Handling a situation like Tom’s may never be easy. On-the-job confrontations seldom are. However, if a style of conflict resolution patterned after biblical principles had been followed, the company would not have encountered such severe difficulties, and the sales manager could have remained a productive team member.

Conflict in any business is inevitable. Each of us has our own perspective on the events and people that make up our work area. These different perspectives don’t always mesh will. The key to growth and progress, in spite of conflict, is to insure that whatever the conflict is, it is resolved in a positive way.

What is critical to note is that the process is just as important as the end result. Even if the ultimate solution is not pleasant, the process of resolving the conflict can be a positive one.

There are three biblical principles you can adopt to work through conflict. When you do, your company will prosper, and your management and employees will avoid long-term conflict.

1) Deal With Any Conflict Quickly
Jesus was attacked many times by the Pharisees. Each time, His strategy was to confront the issue immediately. He never let anything slide for the sake of “keeping the peace.” With wisdom and enviable precision, He faced each confrontation when it occurred.

Act quickly while the memory of an incident is fresh, because time has a way of rewriting the “facts.” When we hold an offense or delay in confronting wrongdoing, our minds build on the foundation of frustration until the whole situation becomes distorted.

If we fail to act quickly when we have been wronged, we give our anger an opportunity to grow. Delay also increases the chance of acting inappropriately when we finally do act. Most importantly, when we fail to act quickly we lose the opportunity for immediate improvement in the circumstances.

The company’s bottom line would have improved measurably had either the Vice-President or the Comptroller acted quickly to resolve the conflict.

2) Deal Directly With The Person Who Has Offended You
Jesus instructed us in Scripture, “…if your brother sins, go and reprove him in private” (Matt. 18:15 NASB). We must develop the biblical habit of going to the person who has erred or wronged us. Who else can immediately change the situation?
Explain your issues clearly and calmly. Stick to the facts when you state the situation, and explain the consequences that have caused the problem.

Recommend a solution. Keep positive by focusing the conversation on solutions, not by attacking the person or the problem you believe they have created. Avoid stating how you feel and how you are personally affected, or you and your colleague could easily digress into a personal conflict.

If you are unsuccessful in dealing with the person, continue to follow Scripture and, “…take one or two more with you…” (Matt. 18:16 NASB). Talk to your immediate superior or the other person’s supervisor, and request a meeting so the issues can be openly discussed.

Remember, the only people who can effectively change the person’s behavior are the person himself, their boss, or your boss, by exerting pressure. Discussing the issues with anyone else is gossip; you are adding gasoline to the fire, and will only make the situation worse.

Do not fall into the temptation to gossip just to let off steam or to make yourself feel better. How much faster and easier the resolution of Tom’s conflict could have been if Tom had been confronted directly.

3) Deal Completely With An Issue
Don’t leave loose ends or wiggle room. Make sure each person involved understands the issue.

Ask them to “play back” their understanding of the issues. When a solution is determined, ask each person to clarify their understanding. Have everyone verbalize agreement with the next steps to be taken, then set the timeframe for their response.

If future actions are to be different to avoid problems, clearly confirm the future change. It is a good idea to document the conversation in a memo to avoid future misunderstandings. Often a great meeting is ruined by failure to follow through.

When you are determined to deal completely with your challenge, so it will not resurface, a deeper issue may emerge. Only when the real issue is addressed can conflict be fully resolved, so be alert to the possibility of a deeper issue.

Tom’s desire to set a good example was admirable, but his methodology wasn’t. Setting limits early on, through appropriate confrontation, might have averted the year-long problem Tom caused. Sadly, someone like Tom can drive your business into the ground, if left to themselves.

The workplace may never be the perfect place, but your efforts to resolve on-the-job conflict can make it a better place for everyone. The next time difficult issues arise, remember: deal with the issue quickly; speak only with the people directly involved; and make sure the situation is resolved completely.

Then sit back and watch your business prosper.

This article is used by permission from Steve Marr’s Business Proverbs. Steve’s passion is to empower ministry and business leaders with God’s ancient Wisdom for enhanced performance and excellence. He resides in Tucson, Arizona with his family.

Steve Marr has learned from 40 years of business experience that God's way works.

As an author, speaker and business consultant, Marr helps companies and organizations apply the ancient wisdom of the Bible to avoid the common mistakes and headaches of growing a business.

Marr offers spiritual and practical insights through one-on-one consulting, a monthly syndicated business column, his best-seller books Business Proverbs, Roadmap to Success, and the 2007 release of Integrity in the Workplace, and the one-minute radio feature "Business Proverbs," which can be heard on over 1,200 radio stations internationally. He also provides radio interviews on time sensitive business topics and how being a godly business person brings glory to the Lord.

Marr uses compelling case studies to generate discussion on the business and Biblical principles he offers. Steve involves the audience to make each event practical in application. Seminar notes are available to allow particpants to act upon the "take aways."

He can help you, your business or group find peace of mind, hope and satisfaction in doing business God's way.

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