When the LORD divided the years into 7-year cycles it meant something! (Leviticus 25.) It still means something! And as we approach the coming of the King Messiah, it is increasingly more significant. For I believe there will be a last 7-year cycle before His Appearing, and before His Coming!
With this Rosh Hashana (The Feast of Trumpets), the last year of a 7-year cycle of years begins. This is called the Schemittah year. The day begins tomorrow evening with Erev Rosh Hashana and continues through sundown the next day. September 24 and 25.
There will come that Schemittah Cycle that completes all the Schemittah Cycles that have counted off time until that cycle which will have been completed just before the True Jubilee that only He can fulfill when He sets up His visible, earthly kingdom.
The signs of the times are so telling. The nations of whom the Prophets spoke concerning “the end of days,” are shooting into their prophetic places, just as the Lord says they would. And, of course, Israel has shot forth into its prophetic place.
Luke 21:29 And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree, and all the trees;
Luke 21:30 When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand.
Luke 21:31 So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand.
Luke 21:32 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.
Luke 21:33 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.
How can you watch the news and not realize the nations in the news are the nations in the Holy Writings of the Prophets! Syria and Damascus, Moab (Jordan), Elam (Iran), Edom (Saudi, Arab States), Lebanon, Egypt, Turkey, Russia, Europe, The Old Roman Empire, etc., and of course, Israel and Jerusalem.
I often say, the biggest miracle since Bible days is the miracle of the Ingathering of the Jews. And really, one of the biggest factors in this miracle is that after almost 2000 years, they knew who they are. They did not disappear in the populations of the diaspora.
Today, I received and sent Shana Tovah (Have a Good Year) greetings to several Jewish friends. I received the following from an Israeli friend. (To those who knew Yehuda Oppenheim, with whom we worked on the Ezekiel stone tablets, his brother-in-law passed this along, that he had received, to me.) It illustrates the miracle of the Lord’s keeping Israel as seen through the eyes of a present-day descendent of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
This was such a special message that I received I just had to pass it on with lots of love for a happy New Year!
This week we Jews will begin our 5775 year on this earth! Who would have believed this possible? If anyone had told Abraham that his people would be around this long, he probably would have been astounded.
Imagine, we did this without beheading anyone, without a single suicide bomber, without kidnapping and murdering school children, without slaughtering Olympic athletes, and without flying airplanes into skyscrapers.
We lasted this long despite 400 years as slaves in Egypt, 40 years of wandering in the desert, the mighty Roman army who nailed us to crosses; despite the best efforts of the Christian crusaders, the Spanish Inquisition, Hitler’s third Reich, Stalin’s gulags, Arab wars of annihilation, 100 years of Arab and Arafat terrorism, and 800 hate-filled UN resolutions!
How did we Jews do it? We did it by concentrating our efforts on education, love of family, faith, hard work, helping one another, and a passionate dedication to life no matter what evil befell us!
We hung in there in hope the rest of the world would one day overcome it’s hatreds, jealousies, and violence, and join us in a life of cooperation and mutual respect.
We’re not there yet, but we’re still hopeful. And when we enter our places of worship next weekend, this is what we’ll pray for with all the strength in our hearts.
Ilana joins me here with ‘Best wishes for a New Year filled with health, happiness, laughter, success, joy, and kindness and may this coming year bring peace and security to Israel and to the Jewish communities in the Diaspora.”
Let us all say ‘Amen!’
Billye Brim Ministries
Billye Brim's Christian heritage is rich. She sensed the call of God in early childhood. However, it was only after an encounter with the Holy Spirit in 1967, that she as a young wife and mother of four began to follow Him to walk out her call. For almost ten years she served as Editor of Publications for Kenneth E. Hagin Ministries where she also taught at Rhema Bible Training Center.
Immediately after ordination in 1980, she traveled to Soviet Russia in what proved to be ongoing ministry there. Since then she has literally ministered around the world several times over.
Kent and Billye Brim with Lee and Jan Morgans founded a local church in Collinsville, Oklahoma. A Glorious Church Fellowship is the foundation of Billye Brim Ministries and Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks in Branson, Missouri, and the soon-to-be-built Migdal Arbel Prayer and Study Center in Israel.
When Kent passed away in 1986, Billye was led to "study Hebrew in the Land." Studying at Ulpan Akiva in Israel led to the unique Seminar Tours she has guided in the Land from 1986 to now. It also provided a pattern for the Prayer and Study Center in Israel.
"Helping Pray-ers" is a God-given directive in her life. One place this happens is at Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks near Branson, Missouri. On 200 plus acres log cabins provide places for individual prayer or small prayer groups. Corporate prayer meetings are held twice a week in the chapel.
On Wednesdays at 12 Noon Central Time, the meeting is streamed live. Pray-ers (who have named themselves World-Wide Pray-ers) join in united prayer via thousands of computers in more than 60 nations. This prayer is focused primarily on an Awakening to God. For in a corporate prayer meeting in June 2008, Billye Brim and the pray-ers were impressed with these words: One thing will save America…an Awakening to God. One thing will avail for Israel and the nations, An Awakening to God. Several thousand pray-ers from around the world gather in Branson for an Autumn Assembly of Prayer she hosts.
Billye Brim is blessed to work with others across the Body of Christ. She strongly believes in walking out what Scripture teaches that we are one Body, with one Head, one Spirit, one Lord.
First Corinthians 10:32 is foundational in Billye Brim's ministry. The "good works that He has ordained that she should walk in" involve activity among the Jews, the Nations, and the Church-all to the Glory of God.