Schmittah Year and Prayer Assignments

by Billye Brim | Uncategorized

Sitting here waiting for our Quantas flight to board on our way to Brisbane, Australia, I read again the email our Scottish friends, the Simpsons, sent in regard to our new prayer assignment.

It caused me to look at things from another perspective.
A broader one. Further insight.
I had just recently realized that it will be seven years since we were assigned to pray for an awakening—and that it was in a Schmittah Year.

So—I want to share it in its entirety with you. I have cut and pasted it herein.  Taste and see…..

We hereby commit to keep a daily half-hour block covered in intercessory prayer. Because of the nature of certain ongoing prayer assignments, and my own ‘earthly’ work as a freelance linguist, our work both in the spirit and in the natural can sometimes be at very irregular hours; consequently, neither of us can commit to a specific routine time on the clock; so the half-hour we each cover will be a ‘floating’ one, like Billye’s—but we will see to it that it is covered daily and faithfully.

My mother was impressed with one of the words Sister Billye used to expound on what Brother Wiseman heard through Gloria in the dream: ‘energize’ (from which she extracted the term ‘galvanize’). For many years, now, she has been hearing in her spirit that it’s time for ‘the troops’ in the Body to be ‘galvanized into action’: she has understood this to refer especially to the worldwide pray-ers and their work. In addition, she has received the impression of much latent energy in the Body of Christ which the Lord is about to use in a very finalized and concentrated way, just before the end of the age. So we are especially excited to hear the use of these words.

During the seventh year of the last shemittah cycle (13 Sept. 2007- 29 Sept. 2008), the Lord kept speaking to me about ‘the troops’ and ‘the glory’, ‘the troops’ and ‘the glory’, almost as if they were synonymous things. Sometimes, it was as if He would speak to me of nothing  else. And during June of that Shemittah year (June 2008), He was even giving me words about a ‘worldwide connection’ and working with other saints ‘across the globe’, and the phrase ‘higher ground’ &c. I did not know that in the same month, as I was hearing these things (only a day apart in fact), sister Billye was receiving that central call about how ‘One thing only will avail … an Awakening to God’; thereon, the focus of Prayer Mountain shifted and shortly became a worldwide streamed prayer connection in the first year of a new shemittah cycle… Then I came to see what He had been trying to tell me about ‘the troops’ and the ‘worldwide connection’ all through that previous year!

Since this time—particularly over the last four years—the Lord has incessantly spoken to us about His need to ‘call the troops’ and ‘galvanize the troops into action’ in the spirit (‘troops’ for us has long been a code-word from the Lord about the WWPs/Prayer Mt. [though ALL the Body are troops]). Now we are nearing the end of the shemittah cycle in which all of this began, you are receiving a call to ‘galvanize the troops’ into a higher level of action—so of course, all of this bears a very confirmatory witness with us! We take this seriously.

When I prayed about this, I believe the Lord told me that this call to heightened action and 24 hour prayer has as much to do with impending judgments as it does with blessings.

I would like to share with you some of the things that I and my family have been seeing about this. A few years ago, Brother Wiseman dreamed about a dry river bed which began to burst into flood with fountains from beneath, which emerged in response to song. The words of the song were something on these lines: ‘The Summer Waters are here!’ Sister Billye interpreted these words to signify a connection with the ‘summer threshing floors’ mentioned in the Bible; consequently, the river flow in Brother Wiseman’s dream symbolized a river both of end-time judgements (chaff being sifted) and end-time blessings (wheat harvest separated into the barns, i.e. souls and souls and souls coming in, through the glory manifesting).

This river of judgement/blessing is of course the Awakening. It is also the ‘No Ebb’ prophecy (‘the breath -> wind -> rain -> floods -> torrents . . . souls and souls and souls’). It has now become more urgent than ever that the Lord can use His troops to speak forth the Words that will break those final dams and bring in those river-floods of awakening-judgement-blessing wherein is no Ebb: ‘He sends forth His commandment upon the earth [through us]: His Word [through us] runs very swiftly . . . He sends out His Word [through us], and melts them: ‘he causes his wind to blow, and the waters flow’  (bit like the No Ebb prophecy (the breath->wind->floods!). (Ps. 147:15,18)

His call to 24 hour prayer is a reflection of the urgency of the situation: He needs His pray-ers to be hooking up with Him in heart and mouth as never before, because it’s time for Him to burst those final dams and flood the rivers through. We are very much reminded of an interpretation the Lord gave Brenda from Jared’s tongue not so long ago: ‘Oh! If you only knew the time you were in! The shortness of time! You would just sacrifice it all to prayer! If you knew the time! If you knew the time…!’ This is the kind of call I feel the Lord has given Brother Wiseman and Sister Billye – we as pray-ers must attend to it right now

Much love to you all,
John, Laura and Maria

p.s. A repeated word that once came from the Lord about the troops was ‘Tessellate! Tessellate!’— an interesting word, if you look it up—each part coming to work more closely together in the corporate sense, like a tessellating pattern or a wall with no gaps in between. I suppose even our 30-minute back-to-back shifts may be said to ‘tessellate’ with one another? He is a God of strategy…

Billye Brim Ministries
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Billye Brim's Christian heritage is rich. She sensed the call of God in early childhood. However, it was only after an encounter with the Holy Spirit in 1967, that she as a young wife and mother of four began to follow Him to walk out her call. For almost ten years she served as Editor of Publications for Kenneth E. Hagin Ministries where she also taught at Rhema Bible Training Center.

Immediately after ordination in 1980, she traveled to Soviet Russia in what proved to be ongoing ministry there. Since then she has literally ministered around the world several times over.

Kent and Billye Brim with Lee and Jan Morgans founded a local church in Collinsville, Oklahoma. A Glorious Church Fellowship is the foundation of Billye Brim Ministries and Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks in Branson, Missouri, and the soon-to-be-built Migdal Arbel Prayer and Study Center in Israel.

When Kent passed away in 1986, Billye was led to "study Hebrew in the Land." Studying at Ulpan Akiva in Israel led to the unique Seminar Tours she has guided in the Land from 1986 to now. It also provided a pattern for the Prayer and Study Center in Israel.

"Helping Pray-ers" is a God-given directive in her life. One place this happens is at Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks near Branson, Missouri. On 200 plus acres log cabins provide places for individual prayer or small prayer groups. Corporate prayer meetings are held twice a week in the chapel.

On Wednesdays at 12 Noon Central Time, the meeting is streamed live. Pray-ers (who have named themselves World-Wide Pray-ers) join in united prayer via thousands of computers in more than 60 nations. This prayer is focused primarily on an Awakening to God. For in a corporate prayer meeting in June 2008, Billye Brim and the pray-ers were impressed with these words: One thing will save America…an Awakening to God. One thing will avail for Israel and the nations, An Awakening to God. Several thousand pray-ers from around the world gather in Branson for an Autumn Assembly of Prayer she hosts.

Billye Brim is blessed to work with others across the Body of Christ. She strongly believes in walking out what Scripture teaches that we are one Body, with one Head, one Spirit, one Lord.

First Corinthians 10:32 is foundational in Billye Brim's ministry. The "good works that He has ordained that she should walk in" involve activity among the Jews, the Nations, and the Church-all to the Glory of God.

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