Seeing into the Spirit World

by Mark Harper | Uncategorized

The discerning of spirits lets us see into the spirit world. There are spirits all around us that we can’t see. Angels, demons and even human spirits are invisible to our eyes, yet they are very real. The discerning of spirits allows us to see into this world.

Paul at Philippi
On their second missionary journey, Paul and Silas came to a town called Philippi. While they were there, a certain woman followed them around saying, “These men are servants of the Most High God, which shows unto us the way of salvation.”

This woman was saying words that sounded good, but she was possessed by a devil. She continued for many days to follow Paul around saying, “There men are servants of the Most High God, which show unto us the way of salvation.”

Finally, Paul was grieved in his spirit and said to the woman, “I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” The demon came out that same hour, and the woman was set free.

How did Paul know that this woman was possessed by a devil? She was saying good words. Paul knew through the discerning of spirits. The Bible says that his spirit was grieved. One way that the discerning of spirits operates is through an inward witness—your spirit will become grieved.

Source: Gifts of the Spirit Superchurch Curriculum by Mark Harper
Excerpt permission granted by Mark Harper Ministries

Pastor and Leadership Coach, Mark Harper has 35 years of experience in the local church. He is the creator of the Super Church 2.0 Curriculum, which is used in over 5,000 churches worldwide. The focus of Mark's ministry is helping leaders build strong churches and helping parents build strong families. Not only has Mark served in the local church as pastor, associate pastor, and family ministry pastor but he is also a certified coach with the John Maxwell Team. He also recently released the Amazon Best Selling book The Red Book: The Lifeblood of Children's Ministry.

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