The value of relationships has been moved to front and center throughout this pandemic. We’re remembering firsthand how important it is to have each other in our lives. That’s one reason why we want to make sure that forgiveness is a part of all of our relationships.
If you have ever wondered who or when you should forgive, Mac Hammond has a new book releasing this fall that takes a deep dive into forgiveness. He takes a look at what forgiveness looks like with your friends, your spouse, those who believe in God, and those who don’t. It will show you how your life will change when you freely use these three words: “I forgive you.”
If you want to get your own copy of this book, preorder one today for 25% off its regular price with coupon code FORGIVE25. When you do, you’ll get the e-book free in your inbox. You can also purchase the e-book on its own here.
Another part of life that has proven exceptionally vital over this last year and a half is prayer. Prayer is our lifeline to God and our way to impact situations in our family and our neighborhood as well as around the world.
If you didn’t already know it, Living Word has a prayer group available to you every Monday through Friday that you can join in person, if you are local, or online. Our Morning Prayer times are a time of corporate prayer and worship where we connect to God and lift up what He places on our hearts. You are welcome to join us 8:30-9:30 p.m. CST. You can click here to join or watch on-demand on our YouTube Morning Prayer playlist.
One last thing we want to make you aware of is that Mark Hankins will be ministering at Living Word on Saturday, October 16 at 5 p.m. and Sunday, October 17 at 9 and 11 a.m. CST. Join us online for an awesome time with God!

The times we are living in point to one thing: Jesus is coming back soon. Dr. Billye Brim, shared a message titled God’s Calendar and Jesus’ Soon Return. She talked about the appointed days and seasons that God has planned and stirred our expectations for Jesus’ soon return. Watch here.
We appreciate you all and pray that you have a blessed week ahead!
cfaith team
When my tenth grade creative writing teacher commented on how well I wrote, she had no idea her words launched my writing career. Her words worked on me for a while until my senior year when I felt the Lord lead me to go to Bethel University and major in writing.
Since that decision, I've been amazed where God has taken me. I've become a published author--something touted during college as close to impossible. I've also been able to write, edit, and proofread for a variety of projects and clients.
My completed projects include writing/editing/proofreading for 12 different books, back cover copy for over 75 books, CD sets, and DVDs, copy for five different websites, ghostwriting for several different people.
My clients have included Barbour Books, Moody Publishers, Augsburg Fortress, Living Word Christian Center, and Kharisma Finishing School.
Beyond writing, I love spending time with my family, cooking, baking, reading, and helping out at church. I love learning from everyday experiences and relating them to my walk with God. Erik Wegener came into my life in 2007 and within a year and a half, we married and started a wonderful life together. Our family includes our firstborn, Brody, who is partying in heaven with Jesus, and our second and third sons, Brayden and Jase, who are partying on earth with us.