Sharing Jesus

by Bill Hanshew | Articles, Christian Living

Spreading God’s love is something you and I, as Christians, were designed to do. I want His love and character to shine forth from my life as an example of His compassion to a dying world.

Acts 10:38 says, “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.” 

Doing good, especially to a world filled with people who need God’s love shown to them, is completely in line with the ministry of Jesus. 

Second Timothy 3:16 tells us that the Word of God was given to us to mature us. Verse 17 says, “that the man of God may be complete (or mature), thoroughly equipped for every good work.”  We all need to know that we have a Heavenly Father who loves us and we are complete in Him.

Spreading God’s love is something you and I, as Christians, were designed to do. Many years ago, I prayed this prayer; “God, take your Word and show me my life as it really is… make me a vessel filled with your love that I might spread it around this world.” You and I are not completely changed until we are changed into the image of Jesus. I want to be changed from the restrictions of this body of flesh and blood, into the limitless image of Jesus Christ. I want His love and character to shine forth from my life as an example of His compassion to a dying world. I want to minister God’s love to individuals who are in need of salvation. “What are you saying,” you might ask? I want to be more like Jesus!

One Sunday night in a church service, we began to worship God. We were praising and magnifying the Lord and we felt God’s presence in a strong way. As the Holy Spirit began to stir our hearts, we were instructed to go to one another and pray for each other. God’s love and compassion was being displayed.

In one particular church service, as God’s love was flowing from one to the other, the power and anointing of God fell. Because of love, the people’s needs began to be ministered to. People fell under the power of God, others began dancing before the Lord, and some just prayed in the tongues of the Holy Spirit. Each one was blessed in a special way because of the love of God that was flowing in our hearts.

Yet another time during a Sunday night service, I had stepped out side to get a drink of water. There was a man walking outside of the church building that night. I was an 18-year-old Youth Pastor at the time. As the gentleman came walking down that dark city street that evening, honestly, I was a bit afraid. He was packing a hunting knife on his belt and I got the impression that he didn’t use it for hunting. I spoke to him and he stepped off of the sidewalk and came towards me.

As I began to tell him about Jesus, I wasn’t sure that he really wanted to hear it. I was just hoping he didn’t go for that hunting knife. I began to tell him how Jesus could change his life and give him hope and peace within. He let me know that his life was a mess. He agreed to go with me into the church where the service was in progress and he gave his heart to Jesus.

I opened the door of the church that night and we walked together down that aisle. He didn’t seem to care about who might be watching or what anyone might be thinking. We walked all the way to the front and knelt down at the altar and I began to pray with him as others gathered around.

As he finished repenting of his sins, he took off that hunting knife from his belt and laid it on the altar (I knew then that he didn’t use that knife for hunting). He also took out his cigarettes and laid them on the altar. Why not lay it all down?

In a sense, he laid himself on that altar that night… giving up everything. That’s the key right there, giving up everything to Jesus. And that right there is “Love’s Faithful Reward” … when you actually get to see someone come to know Christ Jesus because you dared to “Spread A Little Love, God’s Love.”

What about the sinner?  If you don’t love them to Christ, they cannot find their way. Sinners are waiting for you. God loved the whole world so much that He saved you because someone shared God’s love with you. Share Jesus with someone today. …Think about it!

Source: Spread A Little Love, God’s Love by Dr. Bill Hanshew
Excerpt permission granted by Worship & Word Fellowship & Ministries, Inc.

All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission