Sour, Angry, and Negative

by Bayless Conley | Uncategorized

We are looking at how we make the gospel unattractive. I believe one of the main ways this occurs is when Christians are sour, angry and negative.

Some people live right but they always look like they have spent the night in a bottle of lemon juice.

If you struggle in this area, you need to listen carefully. Your salvation should be the source of great joy, and that joy and happiness should be expressed in your life in a dynamic way.

For example, Jesus said this in John 15:11,

These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.

And in John 16:22, He said,

Your joy no one will take from you. 

In Romans 14:17, Paul said,

For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Finally, James 1:2 says,

Count it all joy when you fall into various trials.

Joy is one of the hallmarks of the Kingdom of God. Even when we are going through a rough patch, the Bible says we are to be full of joy.

Joy makes the gospel attractive. If you put on a sour face all the time and you have a negative disposition, you will scare people away from church. You make the gospel seem like something people would never want.

Answers with Bayless Conley
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Bayless Conley is a pastor and speaker known for his clear presentation of the Gospel and the way he applies the life-changing truth of God's Word to everyday life. It's this same truth that radically turned his life around when a 12-year-old boy shared the Gospel with him many years ago.

Bayless' unique background and remarkable testimony have enabled him to reach a diverse audience of people globally. In 1979, God called Bayless to share His Word on television, and in 1984, the broadcast was launched. Today, the Answers with Bayless Conley broadcast is impacting lives around the world in numerous languages.

Bayless, with his wife Janet, pastors Cottonwood Church, a thriving nondenominational church located in Orange County, California. Bayless is the author of numerous books and booklets including Cast Down But Not Destroyed, Footprints of Faith, How to Pray, Turning Mistakes into Miracles, There Is Always Hope, and a 365-day devotional called Answers for Each Day.

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