Speak With Boldness

by George Stover, Jr. | Uncategorized

And now, Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word. (Acts 4:29 KJV)

The right of Christians to speak out concerning their faith is being eroded by the liberal thinkers of our day. The propaganda efforts of a liberal press, secularized church and “politically correct” educational system is bringing our great nation to a time of crisis equaling that preceding the fall of the Roman Empire. In fact, even the seat of modern day Rome is reeling under the onslaught. “And now, Lord, behold their threatenings,” is a prayer that surely must be voiced to God in this hour.

This time in which we live is a time of great darkness and great light. The light, in fact, seems all the more bright as it is contrasted with the gross darkness that rules the hearts of so many the world over. But, Beloved, we are the light of the world.

You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14 (Amp)

The light of the world must not be hidden. The light of the world must “with all boldness . . . speak thy word.”

When the Holy Ghost was poured out upon the followers of Christ in the Upper Room on Pentecost, the Church who received Him was endued with power. Power to become witnesses. Power to move with love and a sound mind. The Holy Ghost came to indwell and empower each believer for the task of telling the people of the world about the resurrected Savior, Jesus the Christ of God. They were to be fearless witnesses of what Christ Jesus had done in their lives and proclaimers of what He will do for whosoever will come to Him.

Our prayer in these great and glorious days before the coming of the Lord should be, “grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness [we] may speak thy word.” It is even more important now when we are set upon by “their threatenings.”

Copyright © Wellspring Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

This earth was blessed with the presence of George Stover from September 26, 1941, until September 24, 2018. Days before his 77th birthday, he left this earth for his heavenly home.

Born again in 1973 and ordained in 1984, he preached the prophetic Word of God with signs and miracles following. He was a prophetic psalmist, writing many worship songs. He played the guitar, organ, and accordion. Dr. George was a prophetic voice to the nations, traveling extensively in the Philippines, SE Asia, China, Nigeria, Jamaica, and Mexico. He was a man of great faith who pleased his Father God.

He left behind a lifetime of teaching. You can watch the videos 24/7 by going to our YouTube Channel. By the Grace of God, the work that Pastor George and Pastor Sharon founded in 1987 continues to this day. You are invited to visit us in person and share in the rich presence and goodness of our Lord.

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