Spiritual Housecleaning

by Lynette Hagin | Uncategorized

First wash the inside of the cup, and then the outside will become clean, too.
(Matt. 23:26, NLT)

It’s a wonderful season when winter gives way to spring. During this time, many people have a tradition of “spring-cleaning” their house. They clean out the closets and throw away things they haven’t used in years; and they give a thorough cleaning to other areas of their house that they normally just “surface clean” or clean very quickly. I’m one of those people who considers spring a time to get my house in order. I also feel that perhaps this would be a great time get our spiritual house in order.

You may wonder why your prayers seem to go unanswered. Psalm 37:4–5 says, “Delight thyself also in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.” Let me ask you a question: Are you delighting in the Lord? Are you committing your ways to Him? In other words, are you placing God first in your life? That is so important, yet many times we let other things become our top priority. If we are not careful, it is easy to let undesirable things creep into our spiritual house.

One undesirable thing we sometimes allow to creep in is strife. Proverbs 26:21–22 says, “As coals are to burning coals, and wood to fire; so is a contentious man to kindle strife. The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly.” Refuse to allow strife any place in your life or home.

Gossip is also important to get rid of and throw out of our spiritual house. We must not gossip about others. Talebearer, rumormonger, and scandalmonger are other names for a gossip, and they certainly are not good titles to bear. When someone comes to me and says, “Did you know about So-and-so?” and then talks about that person with destructive words rather than uplifting words, I stop the talebearer in mid-sentence and say, “My ears are not garbage cans; I refuse to listen to anything but uplifting words.”

The Apostle Paul told us in Philippians 4:8 to think on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report. As you choose to think about lovely things, you will find that the bad reports begin to vanish.

You should always choose to look on the positive side of things and refuse to dwell on the negative. When people dwell on the negative, they become miserable and make everyone else around them miserable. But when a person is positive, everyone wants to be in his or her presence.

This spring, as you begin your natural housecleaning, I encourage you to start your spiritual housecleaning as well. Try these “housecleaning” tips. Clean out all the strife and gossip in your life. Clean out negative attitudes you may have toward yourself and others. Pray for a love and compassion for others to encompass you. And most importantly, practice Mark 11:25: “When ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”

So many times we quote Mark 11:23–24 concerning the desires of our heart being granted, but we stop short of the very thing that will bring those desires to pass. We must practice the commandment of forgiveness found in verse 25. Often we want forgiveness for ourselves but judgment for everyone else. No, we must forgive if we want forgiveness—and if we want our prayers answered.

I’ve had many opportunities to practice this scripture myself, so I understand that someone might have done an awful thing to you. But I’ve found that the more you practice verse 25, the easier it becomes. Peace and tranquility will surround you. You’ll watch hatred and bitterness turn to love and forgiveness, and experience a joy like you’ve never known before.

When I was a child, my parents always quoted Matthew 6:33 to me. It says, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” It is so important to seek the things of God first and clean out the undesirable things that may have crept into our lives. No matter what time of the year it is, you can commit afresh your ways to God, and watch the desires of your heart be granted.


Father God, I want to get my spiritual house in order. Help me to do a thorough spring cleaning in my mind, will, and emotions and commit afresh my ways to You, in the Name of Jesus.

Kenneth Hagin Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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Passionate, joyful, and vibrant . . . these words best describe Lynette Hagin. Lynette is an author, teacher, and conference speaker and host. She serves as the Director of Rhema Bible Training College and General Manager of Kenneth Hagin Ministries. She also assists her husband, Kenneth W. Hagin, in pastoring Rhema Bible Church.

Her positive, practical, and often humorous presentation touches people from all walks of life. Lynette is committed to helping people succeed in life by sharing a life-changing, powerful message—“You can make it!”

Lynette’s leadership has been instrumental in shaping the lives of thousands of women through her annual Kindle the Flame® Women’s Conference. Many more lives are touched through Rhema Praise, a weekly television broadcast, and Rhema for Today, a weekday radio program, both of which Lynette cohosts with her husband, Kenneth. They also conduct Living Faith Crusades around the world. Lynette exemplifies the woman of balance—balancing womanhood, motherhood, and ministry as she encourages and inspires others to do the same. She is ordained through Rhema Ministerial Association International.

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