Stepping Out: Part Two

by Marty Copeland | Uncategorized

In The Zone
When walking for exercise, it is important to start where you are and progress from there—take into consideration your gender, age, and fitness level. Your goal should be to walk briskly enough for your heart to reach its “target heart rate zone” which means:

  • your heart beats faster than normal but is not racing
  • your breathing is deeper than usual but conversation is still possible
  • you experience a warm, glowing feeling

When you are exercising in your target heart rate zone, your body is working hard enough to strengthen your heart muscle, lungs, and cardiovascular system.

To keep your heart rate in your target zone, follow this simple equation:

MHR (maximum heart rate) = 220 – (your age)
Target Heart Rate Zone = MHR x .60 to MHR x .85

Example—age 40:
220-40 = 180
180 x .60 = 108 (low end target zone)
180 x .85 = 153 (high end target zone)

If you are age 40, your Target Heart Rate Zone would be 108-153. (To measure your heart rate: take your pulse for a 10-second count and multiply the number of beats times 6.)

Walking briskly is terrific aerobic exercise! You’ll love the benefits of it.

For years, fitness experts believed strenuous exercise was the best way to stay fit, lose weight and strengthen endurance. Recent research, however, is proving more moderate exercise provides similar benefits.

The Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research in Dallas has found that walking 30 minutes a day, three times a week, does provide cardiovascular benefits. If weight loss is your goal, then the institute suggests you increase your walking time to 45-60 minutes, five to six times a week.

More strenuous activity can provide further health benefits. As you strive for a higher level of fitness, you may want to include some form of impact exercise or weight-training in your routine. (For information about how to do that, visit my Web site at

After you begin walking, you’ll quickly realize that exercise is well worth the effort. In the same way a sedentary lifestyle causes numerous health problems, a physically active lifestyle provides many health benefits.

Exercise strengthens your heart, reduces stress, helps maintain healthy bones and joints, protects against high blood pressure and diabetes, and decreases body fat. It also boosts your immune system, improves mental cognition and provides a sense of well-being.

Not only that, nearly 30 studies have shown that women who exercise at moderate to vigorous levels for three or more hours per week reduce their risk of getting breast cancer by 30 to 40 percent.

So, why not put on your sneakers today and head toward higher fitness—one step at a time! As you do, commit that time to the Lord. You may want to include this prayer in your routine.

Father God, I present my body to You as a living sacrifice. I offer this time of exercise to You as a time of worship, to glorify You in my body. I purpose in my heart to sow self-control, endurance and faithfulness and I believe I receive a hundredfold return. I earnestly expect to become more and more like Jesus. Therefore, I press toward that goal for the prize of my high calling. I decree that with every step I take, I am increasing in health, strength and discipline. Thank You for anointing me to succeed as I prove Your good and perfect will in my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

First published in the Believer’s Voice Of Victory Magazine,  Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Reprinted by permission.

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Marty Copeland is a wife, mother of 3, a Master Personal Trainer and Nutritional Guidance Counselor. Most importantly, she is here, doing this, because she has experienced first hand that God not only desires to help us reach our health and fitness goals, but He has the perfect plan that will lead us to a lifestyle of freedom and self-control. She has come to know that true health is more than just having a strong and healthy body-though that is something we should all enjoy. True health also includes a strong spirit and soul. It is when our spirits are full and our minds are strong that living a healthy lifestyle becomes easy.

God's desire for all of us is life, peace and joy in every area . No matter who you are, where you are in life, or what fitness level you are at, there is always room for improvement-you can always go higher. We simply can not exhaust God's ability to make us better. Marty believes with all of her heart that God has called her team and herself to equip you and your family with what you need to go higher, spirit soul and body.

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