Steps To Chasing God

by Gary Mason | Articles, Christian Living

If we keep our relationship with God right, He can show us how to keep all the other areas of our lives in proper order.
Recently, I was reminded again that the whole purpose of our salvation is that we can have a relationship with Almighty God! Isn’t that awesome! When I begin to think about who He is and the fact that scripture tells us that He wants to dwell in us, walk among us, and be our God, and have us be His people (2 Cor. 6:16) it gets me all stirred up! To realize that the God who created everything wants to be integrally involved in our lives and have a personal intimate relationship with us.

With this in mind I am reminded that He is to be our pursuit. Sometimes we can get sidetracked and forget that the most important thing in life is our relationship with God. I believe that if we keep our relationship with God right, He can show us how to keep all the other areas of our lives in proper order. With that I wanted to give a simple list of things that will help in your relationship with God…

  1. Take time to visit with God everyday. It seems that our society gets busier and busier all the time and it may be harder to find time to spend with God. The thing that we need to remember is that if we are too busy for God than we are too busy. We need to make sure that God gets His time even if other things have to be put aside.
  2. Next, remember that prayer is not just speaking to God, but it is also listening. Take time to just be silent and listen to what God has to say to you. I know that in the day we live in we are going to have to become more and more sensitive to listen to His voice. People’s eternal destiny, as well as our own, could depend on our ability to hear His instructions, and we develop that first in our personal time with God.
  3. Make sure you are in the Book. Not a book, but the Book. Recognize the Bible for the treasure that it really is, God’s Word to you. One of the key ingredients to knowing God is knowing His Word. Always remember that the Word is the benchmark by which everything else must be measured. With many voices competing for our ears these days we need to be sure that we run it through the filter of God’s word. If it’s not in the book, it’s not for us.
  4. Stay tight with your church. The book of Hebrews tells us to not forsake the gathering together of the saints… and all the more as you see the day approaching. What day is that speaking of? The day of the return of Christ. As the return of Christ gets closer the importance of the church in our lives becomes greater and greater. With all the other influences of our society we need the church to help keep us focused on what is really important… our intimate relationship with God.
  5. Share your faith with others. Great increase will come in our lives as we sow what God has given us into others. Of course the next thing I often hear is, “but I don’t know what to share.” The answer is actually very simple, remember that thing God spoke in your time with Him, or what you heard in the sermon at church… share that. It doesn’t have to be long and eloquent. It just has to be real. Share in your own words from your heart. Another thing you can do is pray for someone to be healed.

Supernatural things will begin to happen when you step out and share the love of God with others.
Whatever you do this year make sure that God has His place. Everything else pales in comparison.

Medicine Hat Family Church
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At Family Church we believe there has never been a more important time in history to be connected with a local church. It is our hope that you find Family Church a place that you can call home. We believe that God places believers in the body as He wants. However, we also believe you need to have the right information in order to make that decision. This is one of the goals of our website. The other goal of our website is ministry. We want you to be able to find the information you need to grow and mature in the Word of God.

“Discover Life!” is what God spoke to Pastor Gary when he started Medicine Hat Family Church and it is with this in mind that all areas of ministry are approached, helping you to discover the amazing life that God has for you.

We believe that the Holy Spirit will minister to you as you spend time with us here and we welcome you to come back as often as possible.

May you live every day of your life.

Pastors Gary and Beth Mason