Suddenly: The Way of God

by Keith Butler | The Anointed Word

“And suddenly, there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting” (Acts 2:1-4 KJV).

God moves suddenly. Now Acts 2 is the account of the Holy Spirit entering the earth on the day of Pentecost, beginning the age of grace, the dispensation we are now in. I want you to notice how God moves. Verse 2 says, “And suddenly….

Suddenly is the way of God.

I looked up the word suddenly in Bible dictionaries, Webster’s dictionaries, many others, and let me give you some of the definitions for the term.

The word suddenly means, quick, at once, hastily. Let me give you the definition from the “Butler” commentary, praise God. Suddenly means, “one second it’s one way and the next second, it’s totally changed.”

Strong’s Concordance defines suddenly this way: Unexpectedly, and unaware. There are two other words that are associated with the term suddenly in our scripture that mean the same thing.

One of them is, immediately. Immediately means at once, instantly, straightway. The other is the word straightway, which means instantly, at once.

So you’ll find three words in the scripture which describe how God moves. God moves suddenly, at once, instantly. One second it’s one way, and the next second it’s another way. He moves unexpectedly. He’ll move when you are unaware that He is moving, and then it’s happened. Suddenly is the way of God.

You see, suddenly, you’ll get saved. Suddenly, you’ll be filled with the Holy Ghost. Suddenly, you’ll get healed. Suddenly, you’ll get delivered. Suddenly, you’ll get your provision. Suddenly, you’ll be called by God, because suddenly is how God moves.

He moves instantly, He moves unexpectedly, He moves seemingly hastily. One second things may be one way. I mean, it may have been this way for 20 years. While it seemed to be going this way and that way, suddenly you wind up going another way! Because suddenly is the way God moves.

Scripture References: Mark 5:29; Mark 5:42; Matthew 8:3

Keith Butler Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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