Supernatural Help to Keep Your New Year’s Resolution

by Karen Jensen Salisbury | Uncategorized

wishdandelionIt’s that time of year again: New Year’s resolution time! For many of us, that means dragging the exercise mat out from the back of the closet, clearing the hanging laundry off the treadmill, or buying that gym membership (again!) and getting down to the gym.

A lot of us make resolutions that involve getting healthier, whether we plan to lose weight, exercise more, eat better, drink more water and less soda, or whatever.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m not sure I believe in New Year’s resolutions. I mean, for the most part, it seems like we only remember them for about a month, even those that aren’t about exercise and diet. Our intentions are usually good, but our resolutions don’t usually end up changing our lives. By August, most of us would be hard-pressed to even remember what they were!

But wait. The reason we make these resolutions year after year is because it’s a chance to start fresh, aim for a new goal, and make a new plan. It’s a chance to make things better. So I say, let’s go for it. Here’s some help.

I looked up the meaning of resolution in the dictionary. The word resolute means: Marked by firm determination, bold, steady. One definition of resolution is: The act of determining.

That sounds pretty to good me! It means a resolution is less a goal than it is a determination. And it is bold and steady. In other words, it keeps you on track to make it through to the completion. The only way I know to truly follow through with a determination is to renew my mind to the Word of God.


I think we’d all agree that we need supernatural help in order to be bold and steady, and the Word of God is the way to get it!

To change our lives, we must first change our thoughts, and we simply can’t do that by ourselves. We need help from the Word of God. Without the power of the Word behind you, all you have is willpower, and that only goes so far. Why not get supernatural help?

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wishdandelionIt’s that time of year again: New Year’s resolution time! For many of us, that means dragging the exercise mat out from the back of the closet, clearing the hanging laundry off the treadmill, or buying that gym membership (again!) and getting down to the gym.

A lot of us make resolutions that involve getting healthier, whether we plan to lose weight, exercise more, eat better, drink more water and less soda, or whatever.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m not sure I believe in New Year’s resolutions. I mean, for the most part, it seems like we only remember them for about a month, even those that aren’t about exercise and diet. Our intentions are usually good, but our resolutions don’t usually end up changing our lives. By August, most of us would be hard-pressed to even remember what they were!

But wait. The reason we make these resolutions year after year is because it’s a chance to start fresh, aim for a new goal, and make a new plan. It’s a chance to make things better. So I say, let’s go for it. Here’s some help.

I looked up the meaning of resolution in the dictionary. The word resolute means: Marked by firm determination, bold, steady. One definition of resolution is: The act of determining.

That sounds pretty to good me! It means a resolution is less a goal than it is a determination. And it is bold and steady. In other words, it keeps you on track to make it through to the completion. The only way I know to truly follow through with a determination is to renew my mind to the Word of God.


I think we’d all agree that we need supernatural help in order to be bold and steady, and the Word of God is the way to get it!

To change our lives, we must first change our thoughts, and we simply can’t do that by ourselves. We need help from the Word of God. Without the power of the Word behind you, all you have is willpower, and that only goes so far. Why not get supernatural help?

Romans 12:2 says, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Ephesians 4:23 encourages us to, “Be renewed in the spirit of your mind.”

The way to transform your life is to renew your mind. To take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor. 10:5). Spending time in the Word of God is how to get your heart and mind working in agreement with God. God has a can-do way of thinking!

When it comes to changing your health habits or making any other kind of change, it starts with renewing the mind. Avail yourself to articles and books and blogs and podcasts that talk about healthy living. Read or listen a little each day.

Whatever you are aiming to change, I encourage you to start with the Word. It will help you be resolute – determined, bold, and steady!

TAKE ACTION: Write down two or three realistic determinations (resolutions) and find scripture that can help encourage you in them. Spend time every day strengthening your spirit by reading the Bible and renew your mind to God’s can-do way of thinking! Then pass this blog along to a friend or two.

Copyright © Karen Jensen Salisbury
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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Karen Jensen Salisbury has been in ministry for almost 30 years, and a writer for almost 40. She and her first husband, Brent, traveled as itinerant ministers, and also pioneered two churches in the Northwest.

In 1997, upon Brent's unexpected death, she became Senior Pastor of their church in Boise, Idaho. She raised their sons, Josh and Ryan, through their teenage years into young men on fire for God.

Karen was an instructor at Rhema Bible Training College in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma from 2005 to 2014. In March of 2014 she married businessman Bob Salisbury, and they live in Minneapolis. Now in addition to writing books, Karen travels across the U.S. and overseas, sharing what she has learned about the faithfulness of God through good times and bad.

Her teachings and writings have influenced the lives of hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. Her humor, her never-give-up attitude, her love for God and her strong stand on His Word will bless and inspire you.

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