Persistence and a positive attitude are necessary ingredients for any successful venture.
—Laura Ingalls Wilder
The 1960s saw the rise of a unique music message as the Beach Boys started the surfing music craze. The sound grew and took over the music charts from coast to coast, even in remote places that had never seen a surfer.
The duo, Jan and Dean, released their hit “Surf City” in the mid ’60s. But not long after their rise to stardom, a near fatal car crash threatened the life of Dean. The prognosis for his recovery was not promising. But against the odds, Dean began to walk again and regain a normal life. For months he could not speak, and when his speech returned it was slurred and nearly impossible to understand.
Before the accident, Jan and Dean had signed a contract to do a concert with the Beach Boys. Since Dean could not speak clearly, the duo decided to sing softly while playing their recording loudly, thus drowning out the slurs in Dean’s vocals. During the concert an electrical problem occurred and the recording stopped. The crowd booed and jeered as they heard the real Dean singing.
Taking their cause, one of the Beach Boys came on stage to the microphone. He admonished the audience and reintroduced Jan and Dean, who would now have to sing without any background cover-up. This time they were graciously received. Dean’s story is one of extraordinary determination and perseverance. Too often we are tempted to give up when trials come and things get rough.
You may have tried to go on, to get up and share again, but you were laughed down or mocked and ridiculed. Remind yourself every day that you are victorious and Jesus is on your side. There is not one circumstance He cannot help you overcome.
“I can do everything through him who gives me strength” (Phil. 4:13 NIV).
Excerpt permission granted by Albury Publishing
Carman Domenic Licciardello is an enigma in Christian music, often described as part evangelist, part Vegas Showman. His concerts were more like a rock and roll Billy Graham Crusade than a Christian music event. After all the singing, dancing, clapping, and preaching, crowds of people would stream down to the counseling area to accept Christ-many times as many as 5,000 in an evening.
Admission was usually free; a simple offering was taken, similar to 30,000 churches on Sunday mornings. And he filled the largest stadiums the world over. Carman held the record for the largest Christian concert ever in Dallas, Texas. But it even goes beyond that. Take the Mega Stadium acts that played the famed landmark such as Pink Floyd, U 2, Madonna, The Jackson Five, Paul McCartney, Garth Brooks, and even Metallic. As the newspapers noted, you'll see that the one-act that drew the highest attendance in Texas Stadium was Carman, with 71,132.
Carman (1956-2021) was a popular contemporary Christian singer and songwriter.
Born Carman Licciardello, he began recording under his first name and released his debut album in 1980. Carman began charting contemporary Christian hits in 1984 with "Sunday's on the Way," reaching No. 1 with "The Champion" (1986) and "Radically Saved" (1988). His other hit songs include "Lord of All," "Jesus Is the Light," and "Satan, Bite the Dust!" Carman reportedly holds the world record for the largest audience at a Christian concert. His popularity was at its height in the 1980s and early '90s, but he continued releasing albums for years, including his most recent release, 2014's "No Plan B." In 2018, he was inducted into the Gospel Music Hall of Fame.