Thank God for My Freedom

by James Dumont | Uncategorized

Christ has set us free.
(Gal 5:1 MSG)

History records dark chapters when godless tyrants ruled and religious dictators made it a crime to read the Bible or worship God according to the dictates of your conscience. In 1945, Martin Niemoeller said: “When the Nazis came for the communists, I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a communist. When they came for the Jews, I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. When they came for the trade unionists, I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. When they came for the Catholics, I didn’t speak up because I was Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak up for anybody.”

On the top of the Capitol Dome in Washington, D.C., is a twenty-foot statue of Lady Freedom. Her face is framed in a crest of stars and she’s holding a shield of stars and stripes in her hand. She was shipped from Rome, and during a fierce storm the captain ordered some cargo thrown overboard. The sailors wanted to ditch Lady Freedom, but the captain refused, shouting above the wind, “Never! We’ll founder before we throw freedom away.”

Benjamin Franklin said that those who give up liberty for safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety! Speaking to the believers in Galatia, Paul addresses the legalists who wanted to force them to go back and live under the impossible standards of the old law. He writes: “Christ has set us free…So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness…on you.” Today you need to stop, look up and say, “Thank God for my freedom!”

James Dumont Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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Fresh out of Bible school and with a heavenly mandate, Jim and Pam moved to Erie, PA, in June 1981. Having never visited the city, their sojourn began by living ten weeks in a tent on Walnut Creek with their four-year-old son. God had said, "Move to Erie, become established and build a great church." No obstacle was impossible to overcome!

Making Erie their permanent home, they helped establish three churches in Northwest, PA, and faithfully pastored Erie Christian Fellowship for 30 years. Their vision, which continues under the capable leadership of Jason and Liz Ackerman, is to honor the Lord Jesus Christ and build strong believers rooted in the Word and guided by the Spirit.

Jim and Pam continue to minister as District Directors of Rhema Ministerial Alumni Association. In September 2018, Jim experienced a miraculous recovery from a "widowmaker" heart attack and a 6-day coma. After prayer, Jim was miraculously restored to the joy of his family and the astonishment of a caring medical team. Jim is currently writing "Let's Pray," a book that chronicles God's guidance and answers to prayer in their life.

Jim and Pam have one son, Dr. Justin Dumont (married to Dr. Anna Dumont), and four incredible grandchildren; Jazna, Coleben, Symeon, and Kendru.

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