The Advocate 4

by Lucy McKee | Audios

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Lucy McKee grew up in the Episcopal Church of the Ascension, in Montgomery, Alabama. She is a graduate of Southern Seminary Junior College of Buena Vista, Virginia, and continued her education at the University of Alabama, where she studied Child development and Education for the Exceptional Child.

In 1986, Lucy and her husband, Walter, founded Grace Ministries Christian Center, an Association of Faith Churches and Ministries church (AFCM), in Montgomery, Alabama, where they served as senior pastors for six years.

She and her husband served as associate pastors, prayer coordinators, and worked in all departments of the local church to include the music, children's and youth ministry.

Lucy's husband, Walter, is president and founder of McKee and Associates Architects, a large and prominent architectural and interior design firm in the southeast.

Walter and Lucy have three grown sons.

Our sister, Lucy McKee, has made her departure and gone on into Glory & her heavenly home.

Lucy's vision for helping to establish and support churches in Europe will continue.