The Anatomy of Health and Healing

by Andreas Huebner | Articles, Healing

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
(Heb. 11:1)

Not long ago God revealed an awesome truth to me about healing, and you can apply this same principle to every adverse circumstance that arises in your life.  The first thing that He did was to clarify the meaning of Hebrews 11:1 to me.  After looking up various words in the concordance and dictionary, I was able to get a new view of this familiar scripture and I would like to share it with you.  

Now faith is the foundation of earnestly expected good;faith is the proof of that expected good, though not physically manifested yet.

What He revealed to me is based on other scriptures. The first one is the scripture that tells us that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.  (Rom 10:17) The Lord said that when an individual hears the Word concerning something, such as healing, and that individual believes the Word he hears, then God is released to impart unto that individual “the measure of faith” needed to bring the manifestation of that Word. (Rom 12:3)  That imparted faith, a “gift of God”, is the foundation upon which the earnestly expected good — healing — is built. (Eph 2:8)  Therefore, it is God that lays the foundation of faith for health and healing. 

Luke tells us in chapter 14 that a wise man will not lay a foundation until he has counted the cost of building the tower and knows that he has everything he needs to finish it. God is a wise builder. He would not lay the foundation to something that He does not intend to complete or that He does not have everything He needs to finish it. If you have heard the Word, believed the Word, and received the Word concerning health and healing — if God has laid the foundation of faith for health and healing in your heart — then you can rest assured that health and healing is yours when you pray. The proof of the “coming” manifestation is in the fact that God has laid the foundation of faith for it.  

The faith God lays in your heart is not a “good” feeling. Feelings live in the body and in the physical sensation realm. Faith lives in the spiritual realm. You may “feel” terrible; but that does not negate the foundation of faith that God has laid in your heart. Have you heard the Word that declares that by the stripes of Jesus you were healed? Have you believed that Word to be true?  Have you received the reality of that particular Word applying to you?  If you answered yes to those three questions, then you have done your part and God has been released to impart the gift of the measure of faith regarding healing into your heart. 

No matter how you feel, you have all the faith you need for healing and health to manifest. All you need to do now is pray for the promised healing and then praise Him for it.  God is the one building the building. He laid the foundation and He will finish it. Your proof of health and healing lies in the fact that God has laid the foundation. He always completes what He starts, so you can thank and praise Him right now. You have proof; the proof is the faith.

What does this mean? It means that if symptoms wake me up at 3 o’clock in the morning, my body “feels” terrible, and my emotions are all over the place, faith is still in my heart and is still in operation. Healing is mine and I can praise God for the victory. My faith is not founded on feelings; my faith is founded on the rock that is Jesus Christ. Symptoms – shmymptoms! Healing is mine! The devil lost!

This word is for you too!  Do your part and release God to bring into manifestation all His promises to you. Hear the Word, believe the Word, receive the Word, pray, and then thank the Lord for that “good thing” for your foundation of faith is sure!

Scripture Readings:  1 John 5:14-15, Matt 19:26, Mark 9:23, 11:22-24

Copyright © Jesus To The World Mission
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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Andreas Huebner, in full-time ministry since 1989. Happily married to his lovely wife, Martina.

Faith comes by hearing the Word of God: Andreas Huebner's evangelistic crusades and conferences have been held in many parts of the world. People from all over the world have experienced incredible breakthroughs, new hope, healing, and even financial victories through his anointed ministry. He has spoken to some of the most impacting audiences and churches in the United States and around the globe. Andreas Huebner encourages multitudes of people through the Prophetic Gift and the Word of Knowledge new direction along the journey God has called them to.

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